Speaking of golf, I laugh when watching golf on TV and seeing the players react with disgust after hitting a shot. You follow the track of the ball thinking its landing in the rough or worse and it ends up on the green--albeit 70 feet away. As CTV's Lee Jones has said, (and I totally agree) I don't care if I'm 70 feet away, the main thing is I'm on the green. That's the way I see it too. Of course, its getting the ball onto the green---especially from inside 75 yards thats the problem. At least it is for me. OK, its just one of many problems with my golf game, but that's the main one.
Did you watch the Miami-Tampa game on FOX last night. It looks to me like former B.C. Lions defensive lineman Cam Wake has found a job with the Dolphins. He looked good to me--albeit he wasn't playing against Tampa's number one unit. The Buccaneers had former Edmonton receiver Kelly Campbell in their lineup working with the second string team. Tampa doesn't have the strongest receivers so he may make it, but it wouldn't surprise me if he ends up back in Edmonton.
A pat on the back to both Global's Warren Woods and CTV's Chris Hodges for their late night sportscast last night. Woodsy started with a high school football preview and followed it up with some WHL, a minor football score, Canada Games results and then the nightly baseball scores. That was followed by a piece on the Thunder with things wrapping up with Michael Vick's return. As for Chris, he went Rams, WHL pre-season highlights from P-A and the Canada Games. There was not even one mention of the Canadian Olympic hockey scrimmage. BRAVO!!! Global, CTV along with Rod Pedersen and everyone at the Leader Post realize that keeping it local is key. All these guys do a great job of covering the local sports and getting the information out. They know people care about that stuff. If you want all the national goings-on, Sportscentre and Sports Connected is on at various times at night and during the overnight hours. There's nothing wrong with the local media talking about the pro leagues, but keeping it close to home makes me want to watch, read or listen. I know many of you feel the same way.
Is it just me or does the sight of CNN's Nancy Grace nauseate you as well?
Quite the story coming out of California where a kidnapped child is found alive almost two decades later. First off, I can't imagine the hell and don't ever want to imagine what the parents of this girl must have felt in the days and weeks after her abduction and I can't imagine the reaction when authorities told them all these years later that their daughter is alive. Considering the ordeal she has gone through. I'm sure her life is shattered forever but to have your child return when you thought for so many years that she was dead has to be the best ever feeling in the world.
Jacques Demers has been named a Senator? Shouldn't Don Cherry get this distinction first. Seriously, how can Jacques Demers be named a senator? That simply isn't right.
Damien Cox of the Toronto Star poses an interesting question. If the NHL is so bound and determined to buy the Coyotes so it can keep them in Phoenix, then why didn't the league buy the Jets and Nordiques so they could stay in Winnipeg and Quebec City. Can you answer that one Gary???
Will Reggie Hunt be on the field when the Riders get back from their week off on Monday? I've always liked "Reginald" and he was one of the first guys I looked for in Montreal last year at Grey Cup. Who's kidding who, he was one of the first guys I looked for when the Riders won the Cup. While talking to Reggie, someone tapped me on the shoulder wanting to know if I wanted to get my picture taken with the Reaper while interviewing him. I said yeah sure so I handed my camera to Premier Brad Wall who got shots of me interviewing Hunt and Gene Makowsky. Here's the pic of me and Reggie....who knew the Premier was a good photog as well.
When in Montreal last year, he was one of the first Alouettes I chased down. I walked up behind him at a team luncheon and said "Hello Reginald". He turned around and then got a big smile on his face as he recognized who had said it to him. For those that don't know, when Rob Murphy was with B.C., he sent a package to the Rider dressing room and addressed it to "Reginald" Hunt. Reggie's brother Aaron had said he hates being called that. Reggie's a good guy and if he can find his way back into Rider green, I would applaud the move.
I honestly thought the SJHL already had a hall of fame. I was quite surprised to hear the inaugural recipients of the hall were named on Thursday. Its quite an inaugural class as well when its headed by guys like Ron Hextall, Chris Chelios and Dwight McMillan. The next question is where is the hall?
Have a good Friday!
As always a good read this morning Mitch. I couldn't agree more with you on the local sports thing. There is only one station in this town that I can't depend on for local sports information, but you and I have talked about that for years. As someone who knows kids that have played for the Pat Canadians or have played high school football, its nice to know if they are winning and losing. I don't need a detailed recap, but a score is nice and I can usually get what I need by listening to RP or picking up the LP if either Global or CTV don't have it. You also forgot to mention how good a job most stations do with the Cougars while others only treat them as an afterthought.
The only thing that ticks me off is that none of the stations had any PGA highlights yesterday. I'm like you though, I really don't know how it works with the exception of the field gets narrowed every week. I think if you have enough points to be in the final whatever you stick around. That means Tiger could get zero points this weekend, but play again next because he is the leader. A guy that is 100th on the list might not be so lucky.
I didn't notice Campbell, but Wake looked good last night. he wasn't as dominant as he was in the CFL and they had him playing linebacker more, but I think he will stick.
If golf wants to have a playoff system, eliminate stroke play and make everything match play. That's when you get a real winner.
I would also like to see Reggie return, but I don't think he would be the same player that he was when he was here the first time. It would be like when Corey Holmes returned from Hamilton.
I understand that SportZone show on Access has some local content too.
Jaques Demers a Senator is precisely why that branch of governance must be eliminated. $131K lifetime salary for a man that can not read or write.....
Regarding Nancy Grace I've had that conversation so many times about her too. I actually really like her, and always have. With Nancy Grace people need to research, and understand her past to get the idea of why she communicates in that manner. She was very young when her fiance was brutally murdered. Nancy Grace doesn't even hide the fact she hates scum bags. I would say that her jaded view of the world does come out in her communication style. Knowing what her make up as a person is I can empathize with her, and therefore I watch her. Basically she's the female version of John Walsh for me.
Jacques Demers as a senator is just another reason as to why the senate should be abolished. Why isn't Michel Bergeron a senator? Make Patrick Roy a senator? Make me a senator!! What a joke!
Sorry Pac58, you are right!!! Me bad! Now that the kids are back in school, shouldn't you get that show back on the air.
If it doesn't, I may have to approach Access with the Remple/Blair show.
Its still confusing, but this is the best I can get on the FedEx Cup
Harper said he wanted Senate reform: he's creating a Reform Senate. With the exception of former NWT government leader Dennis Patterson, the gomers and fools he appointed (including Erica Frun, wife of one of the Argo co-owners) must have been in the bathroom when The Angel Of Talent passed over them. Demers' appointment -- the man is functionally illiterate, even said so himself -- is an idication that Harper treats Canadian political institutions as a joke.
Whether people want to admit it or not Harper is an utter disaster. I can understand putting the Liberals on the bench for awhile. Considering who they ran as Leader last time it's possible Stephen Dion would have been worse. Again total void of leadership in Federal politics. We elect all Conservative MP's and they do absolutely nothing in the past 4-5 years. We have no voice federally, and that's a fact.
How the SJHL can overlook Terry Simpson as one if its first hall recipients is beyond me. Methinks someone fumbled the ball on this one.
If I'm listening to radio sports in the morning, I know what station I am listening to and it is NOT the station where Wray Morrison and Dave Arnold do nothing but yak incessantly.
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