If this story is old, I apologize, but its the first I've heard of it. Teletoon is debuting a cartoon this fall called "Fugget About It". The cartoon series is about a New York mob family "The Falcones" (pictured above) who are moved in the witness protection program to Regina. The show apparently is in the same vein as Family Guy and American Dad so it can't be all bad. I'll be watching this. Will there be any Rider references?
It would be great if they could develop characters that look like Rod, John and Mitch so that there is an espisode where the family drops by the Sports Cage for a visit.
Hey! I'm Heather, TELETOON's Social Media Specialist.
We're excited to start showing Fuggetaboutit on the network, and really excited that people are looking forward to seeing it. Feel free to get in contact (Twitter? @teletoonatnight) if you'd like more details!
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