
Friday, February 27, 2009

Down To The Nitty Gritty In Victoria

Its playoff time at the Scotties. Stefanie Lawton and her Saskatoon rink doesn’t know who her playoff opponent is yet. That’s because when everything ended there were four rinks at 7-4. Besides Lawton, who split her games on the last day, Quebec, Prince Edward Island and Team Canada were also 7-4 with BC’s Marla Mallett finishing first at 8-3. So here’s the way it shakes down. Jennifer Jones and her Team Canada rink meet PEI’s Rebecca McPhee this afternoon at 3. The winner of that game meets Lawton in the 3 vs 4 game. The 1 vs 2 game has Mallett against Marie-France Larouche of Quebec. Both of those games will go tonight and the winner of the BC-Quebec goes right through to Sunday’s final. This is déjà vu for Jones. It’s the same path she had to go through to win the Scotties in Regina last year.

Marty Brodeur sure showed he was rusty didn’t he. After being out since November when he had elbow surgery, the Devils goalie who I still think is the best in the world got back into the New Jersey lineup. When the final buzzer sounded, Brodeur had stopped all 24 shots he saw for his 99th career shutout in a 4-0 win over Colorado. I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again. With Brodeur being well-rested, don’t be surprised to see the Devils make some noise come playoff time!
What’s going on in the NBA?? The league has lined up $200 million to distribute to teams interested in additional cash, which the league considers a sign it remains strong in a slumping economy.Between $13 million and $20 million will be available to each of 12 teams that have expressed interest in the funds, commissioner David Stern said Thursday. The money can be used for any purpose, including helping teams deal with operating losses incurred because of the economy.It should not, Stern said, be construed as a bailout. At a time when credit markets have been frozen, investors saw the NBA as a safe bet."It's exactly the opposite" of a bailout, Stern told The Associated Press "This was a show of strength in the creditworthiness of the NBA's teams." This sounds a little fishy to me. Methinks there might be some problems within the “Association”.
I’ve been waiting for Georges St. Pierre to respond to the cheating allegations made against him by BJ Penn. If you are a UFC fan and I know many of you are, you saw GSP make Penn his bitch at UFC 94. Penn then bitched and moaned that GSP was too “greasy”. Heres the story from the Canadian Press…..

Hey if Penn wants to step into the octagon for the 3rd time against the Canadian, I’m sure GSP is more than ready. More than ready to wipe the mat with his Hawaiian ass again!!!
NFL free agency has started and former Titans defensive lineman Albert Haynesworth is cashing in. He signs a 7 year, 100 million dollar deal with the Redskins. 100 million for an interior defensive lineman. Wonder what Schultzy thinks of that!!!
Sugar Ray Leonard is coming to Regina. COOL!!!! How about an exhibition bout between Leonard and Mayor Pat???
The weather network says plus 3 on Monday. I’ll believe it when it gets here.
It will be a great night at the German Club. Why is that??? Its because another High Impact Wrestling card takes place. It makes for an entertaining couple of hours and say what you will about the guys in the ring….they aren’t afraid to go out and do their thing and for the most part they do leave the crowd thoroughly entertained. All of Regina’s finest will be in attendance and if they’re not they simply don’t know what they are missing.

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