
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

E-T Heads To Court

Its going to be an interesting day in these parts. The reason why…that’s simple. Riders GM Eric Tillman could be present at the Regina provincial courthouse as his charge of sexual assault takes center stage. As I have said, I will not comment on the proceedings and won’t until everything is said and done. Needless to say the courthouse will be packed and it will be a gong-show outside the building as media from across the country will be looking for a soundbite or two. I have been part of that gong-show looking for soundbites before. Its much different than wanting to get a soundbite from a player after a game…I don’t think I really have to tell you that.
The next what could be star defenceman to wear the jersey of the Regina Pats will be with the team for the rest of the season. The Pats have announced their first round pick in this years bantam draft Myles Bell will play the rest of the year with them after his midget team in Calgary was eliminated from the playoffs on the weekend. Some believe the 15 year old Bell has NHL written all over him and will follow in the path of guys like Stuart, Jackman and Morris. We will see. Speaking of the Pats, they try to make it three wins in a row as they battle the Broncos in Swift Current tonight. Regina needs points and with a date in Calgary on Wednesday, an upset over the Broncos would have Dale Derkatch’s crew feeling good about themselves.
Nice bounceback for Stefanie Lawton. After losing her first three games at the Scotties, Lawton beat Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia on Monday to sit with a record of 2-3. The Saskatoon rink still has some work to do if they are to make the playoffs but at least they are in the middle of the pack and have a chance if they can continue to rack up the W’s. Lawton will meet Team Canada’s Jennifer Jones this morning…it will be on TSN.
The L-P’s Rob Vanstone asked me a few months ago to compile a list of the top 100 Saskatchewan Roughriders for a book he is writing. Let me tell you it is no easy task. Yes, the first 5 are I think a slamdunk but after that one can only imagine where certain players will end up. It is hard grading guys—especially some that I never saw play live but are a huge part of Rider folklore—and it is very hard trying to place this guy here and that guy there. It will be very interesting to see who ends up where and who gets left off the list.
PS: I don’t think Keith Smith will make it.
Why do I get the feeling one of the marquee matches at Wrestlemania 25 will have Chris Jericho against Hulk Hogan.

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