
Saturday, February 28, 2009

Good News, Bad News

First the good news. The Tigers and Broncos did the Pats a favour tonight by beating Edmonton and Prince Albert respectively. The bad news was Regina couldn’t take advantage as they lost 5-3 in Cranbrook to the Kootenay Ice. The Ice were up 2-0 by the midway mark of the first and while Regina did cut the deficit to 2-1 in the 2nd they couldn’t even it up meaning yet another nail has been driven into their playoff coffin. It means Edmonton—which actually gets a point for losing in Swift Current—is now six up on Regina with the Pats having seven games left. Who’s kidding who, they must or should I say they MUST beat Lethbridge Sunday and follow that up with more W’s or they are officially done. Chances are they are done now but until they are officially eliminated this team can not give up. By the way in that Tigers-Raiders game, Medicine Hat forward Tyler Ennis scored his 36th, 37th, 38th, 39th, 40th and 41st. That’s right kids…he had all six goals for the Tigers. WOW!!
When I was looking at the rosters for the Scotties, I must admit I had no idea who Marla Mallett was. I’m guessing I wasn’t the only one saying that. Canadian curling fans know who Mallett is now because she is one win away from being the 2009 Canadian champ. Mallett beating Quebec’s Marie France Larouche in the 1 vs 2 game Friday night to move into Sundays final. Larouche waits for the winner of the Stefanie Lawton-Jennifer Jones game which goes this afternoon at what I think is 130 our time. Check your listings.
CBC’s “The 5th Estate” ran a piece on fighting in hockey and “The Code”. I missed it. Does anyone know if its airing again---perhaps on Newsworld. I did read a story Friday on the CBC website saying there were more than 900 fights in the NHL last year which was a 40 percent rise from the year before and that the league is on task for more than 1000 fights this year. What happened to Don Sanderson was tragic and I don’t argue that but I also don’t argue that it was a freak incident. I remember one person saying it wasn’t the punch that killed him it was the fall because he wasn’t wearing his helmet. You can’t argue that. I have seen a lot more guys in the NHL not take the helmet off as they would normally do in the past couple of weeks. If enough people try hard enough, they will in the words of Mike Milbury complete the “pansification” of the sport. If people want the NHL to look like its all-star game every year then so be it but if that happens, count this guy out. Next they will go after football because its too violent. It is only a matter of time before a professional athlete gets killed whether in a hockey game, a football game or a baseball game. If it happens in football or baseball, there won’t be a dramatic call for the game to be changed like there is in hockey. Just leave the game alone.
Heres something to think about. What Toronto sports franchise is the worst right now. Leafs, Raptors, Jays or Argos. Theres nothing to be excited about with all four of these teams right now is there. It must be tough being a supporter of teams in the T dot O dot. For what its worth, I say the Raptors because that team shows no sign of being competitive on a nightly basis anytime soon. Shaq had 45 on them last night...he hasn't had a game like that since playing for the Lakers.
UFC fans…it looks like the Natural will be back in the octagon for UFC 101. Randy Couture will apparently fight Antonio Noguiera. The bout will apparently go in Portland, Oregon. Couture’s last appearance was his loss to Brock Lesnar at UFC 91.
That’s all I got for now. Have a good Saturday and whatever you do especially if you are reading this in Saskatchewan---STAY WARM!!!! Spring is coming isn’t it???? Then again when it does, god only knows what the snow has covered up in my backyard.

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