
Friday, February 20, 2009

Good Times, Good Times Indeed!!!

Who’s kidding who.... Good times is not the way to describe last night. How about great times!!!Tonight’s game between the Warriors and Pats will be on Sportsnet and that means the voice of junior hockey in this country pays a visit home. I speak of Peter Loubardias who is one of my nearest and dearest friends. Little known fact----at one time the two of us were roommates and the stories that could be told during that time are ones that might only be told at a roast….MIGHT! We have shared some good times together and last night was no exception. Peter, his colour man Sam Cosentino, CTV’s Lee Jones, the decadent and degenerate Kelly Remple, Rob Vanstone and myself sat and discussed many things like the state of the Pats while rehashing great stories of the past. It was simply an outstanding evening at an outstanding location---that being "The Press Box Sports Bar". It is the home of Regina's best nachos but even a guy like me can't scarf down an order of those babies because they are huge. C'mon Kevin---a half order needs to be on that menu!!!

Peter has his critics as does everyone but he has reached the top of the mountain as far as I’m concerned. This hockey fanatic has accomplished really everything I think he wants. He has had the opportunity to call several Memorial Cups, he did the Canada-Russia Super Series a couple of years ago, he currently calls Calgary Flames games and he will do his thing in Vancouver a year from now. Perhaps the only thing he hasn’t done is get an opportunity to call the World Juniors. I can’t see him doing that unless he moves to TSN but you just never know. Many phoned me after the several month long “Oust Mitch” project had been completed but he was one of the first once he learned of the news. Come to think of it, he was the only guy I know connected with the NHL to phone or e-mail or text…………………..

I am proud to call Peter a friend and I am very proud knowing one of my friends who has even more passion and zest for sports than what I do has succeeded. I just wish he was doing the Oilers games on Sportsnet instead of the Flames because then I would watch him more often! :)

It seems these days when you read the paper or watch the news that another sector is getting a bailout and the latest to get that is the PGA Tour. Tiger Woods has announced he is ready to get back on Tour and he will do next week at the WGC-Accenture Match Play event. Many are already asking “Is he ready??”. I’m just wondering if the guy in charge of those big cheques has already started writing his name. If Tiger is coming back now, one can bet that he will likely be atop the leaderboard or very close to the top once the 72nd hole of the Masters is over.

The Ti-Cats released Casey Printers last nite. His time in the CFL after returning from Kansas City was like Pamela Anderson…..a huge bust and nothing else. Much like Michael Bishop, methinks the CFL has seen the last of Mr. Printers. I really can’t see any team picking him up and that includes your Saskatchewan Roughriders.

Could this 100th anniversary season of the Montreal Canadiens get any worse. First the team has gone to one of the NHL’s best to perhaps not being a playoff team if they don’t pick it up, then they deal with the Alexei Kovalev situation and now word this morning that the Kostitsyn brothers have reportedly been linked to a suspected member of organized crime recently arrested under the police operation Axe.According to La Presse, 38-year-old Mangiola Pasquale made a number of services available to the two young players at bars, including girls and luxury cars. During the investigation, police allegedly recorded secret phone conversations between the Kostitsyns and Pasquale, referred to as a big friend of the brothers.

One last thing and it’s a message for the lovely Angel Blair at CTV(without a doubt the best looking person in the history of Regina media with the last name Blair—then again the competition is pretty weak and if you disagree you are a very troubled individual) and the equally lovely Kyla Dean at Global. I know you have no control over the subject that you speak of on a daily basis but I think I speak for many when I say NO MORE SNOW!!!!! Thank you!!

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