
Friday, February 13, 2009

Is It An Extra Long Weekend For You??

The weekend has arrived. With kids out of school today and the family day holiday on Monday, there are many who are taking an extra long weekend and there is nothing wrong with that whatsoever.

I have one question to ask and that is "Is this latest bout of cold weather the last one we are going to have endure this year??". I realize Saskatchewan winters aren't the best but in my mind this has been one of the coldest. Maybe its just because we get treated to three or four days of really nice weather and then its BOOM---back into the deepfreeze. Those who chose this week or next to head off to Mexico or some other tropical location made the right choice. As someone who has never had a real desire to do the winter getaway thing, I've often wondered what its like for those who do go away and then get back to Regina have that airplane door open wide and get that first rush of cold air. Does the tan fall off immediately????? Do the flight attendants have to push you outside because you want to go back to your seat and head back to wherever?? Are you in a bitchy mood for the next 24-48 hours as reality sinks in???

I've always said "The Regina Leader-Post" has the best sports section in perhaps all of Canada. Rob Vanstone and his crew of Murray McCormick, Greg Harder, Tim Switzer and Ian Hamilton(and its great seeing him back on sports) along with the recently retired Darrell Davis are without a doubt some of the best out there. Proof positive as to why I like the L-P Sports section is today's front page. A story on the U of R Cougars mens basketball team beating Winnipeg last night along with a story on Day 1 of the Luther Invitational Tournament and another story about a Regina female hockey player who plays for Yale but isn't this weekend because she is fighting a battle with leukemia. All local!!!! Reginans love their local sports and the L-P delivers that to them each and every day and gives the teams and the events their moment in the spotlight. Well done!!!!

Speaking of the Luther Invitational, the name of Rob Olsen is front and center on the minds of those watching the tournament. The Cardston, Alberta native scored 60 last night in a 110-106 victory over the Campbell Tartans. The 60 is an all time tournament record as is the 12 three pointers that he hit. I don't care who you are and what league you do it in, racking up 60 is an accomplishment.

I saw a column last night and now I can't remember who wrote it in which the columnist starts to ponder if Habs goalie Carey Price is this decades version of another Carey who made a splash upon his NHL entry and then fizzled out---that being Jim Carey (remember him??). I think the answer to that is NO! If I were Bob Gainey, I wouldn't be looking at trying to get Lecavalier at the trade deadline---I would be looking at trying to get a veteran goalie with some playoff experience that may be needed should Price continue to struggle. Dwayne Roloson anyone?????

CFL free agency is getting closer and I have to ask this. Is the number one free agent as it stands right now Rider linebacker Mo Lloyd or BC offensive lineman Rob Murphy. I've said before I would love to see Murphy wearing green. I don't think there is a lot of interest in his services in Riderville though but then again you never know.

Almost forgot---the Pats are in Moose Jaw tonight. The rivalry this year hasn't been the same for one reason or another.

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