
Thursday, February 19, 2009

Is Milt Stegall The Greatest Receiver The CFL Has Seen

The tributes are flowing in for the now-retired Milt Stegall and he deserves the accolades being heaped on him-----or is he??? Some say Stegall was the best receiver in the history of the CFL. Was he better than Allan Pitts?? Was he better than Brian Kelly?? Was he better than Terry Greer??? I don’t think he was better than Ray Elgaard?? Yes, you can’t ignore the numbers Stegall put up over his 14 years but to call him the best ever----I don’t know.
One other thing when it comes to Milt. He was asked about that now famous last play 100 yard touchdown against the Eskimos and he responded by saying that is perhaps the number one play in the history of the CFL. On that one, I think I agree because nothing else stands out at this time.

So much for the Zeke Moreno to Saskatchewan rumour. The Bombers sent the linebacker to Toronto last night for defensive lineman Riall Johnson. It doesn’t sound like Humboldt’s Kelly Bates will be wearing Rider green either. Bates is a good guy and I’ve shot the breeze with him a number of times. He would look good playing for the team from his home province but there just isn’t room for him on the roster right now.

Some news that no one wants to hear out of Massachusetts. The bus containing the American Hockey League’s Albany River Rats crashed early this morning leaving three with serious injuries. The coach of the team says the injuries don’t appear to be life-threatening. As soon as I saw that story, my thoughts immediately harken back to that late December day in 1986 when four members of the Swift Current Broncos were killed while heading to Regina to play when their bus left the road. Thankfully, it looks like this story won’t have the same ending.

South of the border, the head of the NFL’s competition committee admits changes may be needed when it comes to overtime. HOORAY!!! I hate NFL overtime because half the time—well ok the numbers show more than half the time, the team that wins the coin flip wins the game. That isn’t fair. Its like saying a ball game ends in the top of the 10th if the visiting team scores a run. I like the way US College Football and the CFL treat overtime and that the NFL should adopt it. Both teams need to touch the ball in overtime…there simply can’t be an argument on that.

Ken Griffey Junior will likely end his baseball career where it started. Junior has signed a one year deal to play with the Seattle Mariners. One wonders if he could have surpassed Barry Bonds as the home run king had it not been for injuries. This guy has one of the sweetest swings in baseball. I hope the “S” word is never ever linked to him. Speaking of that “S” word, ESPN Radio asked an interesting question yesterday. Who is the face of baseball in the steroid era….is it Bonds, McGwire, Sosa, Clemens or A-Rod. I will go with Barry on that one.

If you didn’t see the Capitals-Habs game on TSN last nite, make sure you catch the highlight of Alex Ovechkins goal. It will be one of the goals of the year when all is said and done this year.

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