
Thursday, March 19, 2009

How Do You Feel About Fighting?

I don't have a problem with two guys dropping the mitts and chucking the knuckles in the NHL if its done for the right cause. I have a real problem when someone has to go after somebody who has just delivered a clean hit just because that has now become part of 'the code'. I don't want fighting to be taken out of hockey but others do. Its a debate that has been and will go on for years.
A new poll released today suggests Canadians are divided over proposed rules to curb fighting in the NHL, just as many are split on the issue in general.
The survey done for the Canadian Press by the Decima research group finds 42 per cent of those asked think NHL general managers didn't go far enough with a new 10-minute penalty designed to cut down on "staged fights." 39 percent said the change was right. That rule change was proposed by the GM's at their meetings in Florida last week. It must be approved by the competition committee and NHL's board of governors.
So I ask the question to you. Do you like this proposed new rule or are you one of those people that wants to take fighting out of the game completely??

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