
Friday, March 20, 2009

Leave Ovechkin Alone

Martin Brodeur gets another shutout, the Flames continue to sputter and the Oilers get a big shootout win in Chicago but that isn’t what the NHL is talking about today. Once again, Alexandre Ovechkin is stealing the headlines. What did he do this time??? When he scored goal number 50 against Tampa on Thursday, he stopped behind the net, dropped his stick and then tried picking it up several times but couldn’t because the stick was “too hot”.
It was fun, it was Ovechkin, it’s the way he plays the game. His child-like enthusiasm is refreshing. It makes a lot of highlight reels and isn’t that what the NHL wants---especially in the good old US of A.
A lot of players didn’t have a problem with what Ovechkin did but some do saying his hot-dogging was a little overboard and did nothing but show up his opposition. Some other media members have also jumped on that bus saying Ovechkin is embarrassing himself and the sport. CMON!!!
Can a guy now not celebrate a milestone goal. If this was goal 28 on the season or goal 52, I could see someone maybe being a little pissed off but this was goal number 50 which is a milestone mark to hockey players. I laugh at how so many people are now starting to get on Ovechkin’s case when he is doing nothing wrong except celebrate the game he loves by showing off his excitement.
The guy is the best thing the NHL has going for it right now so why is everyone trying to chop him down. How is what Ovechkin did any different than what Teemu Selanne did on the night he broke the rookie goal scoring record when he threw his glove up in the air at the Winnipeg arena and then shot it down with his stick. Was it any different than Theo Fleury’s celebration after beating the Oilers in Game 6 of a playoff series??. Was it any different than Sam Gagner celebrating his first pro hat-trick….a goal that made it 8-1 against Colorado??
Maybe the NHL should take a page out of the NFL’s book and give a player a two minute penalty if he celebrates too much. Is that what you want???? Is that the next step? The homogenization of pro sports is really getting sick and this is just another example of it. Let emotion be a part of the game and quit trying to muzzle it just because someone might get mad.
Speaking of emotion, there was a lot of it on Day 2 of the NC double A mens basketball tournament. A couple of buzzer beaters and a couple of upsets.
How about Ben Woodside of North Dakota State. This guy got his 15 minutes of fame and he capitalized on it by scoring 37 points even though his team lost to Kansas. He was compared to Steve Nash on the CBS telecast of the game but while the same size as Nash he is more dynamic than the Canadian when it comes to the offensive talent he possesses. Nash is known more for his assists than his scoring. Woodside’s drives to the basket were simply exhilarating. This guy has NBA written all over him. Could a lottery pick come from North Dakota State??
I had to laugh when during the game CBS gave Americans a little tutorial on North Dakota State like they have with all teams in the tournament. When it came to famous alumni, all CBS could come up with for NDSU was former WWE wrestler Bob Backlund. Remember him??
The WHL playoffs are now officially underway as seven of the eight first round series started last night one night after the Calgary-Edmonton series started. The Blades looked shaky in the first half of the first period but they eventually got their game going and beat Lethbridge 5-1. Jiri Niemi and Stefan Elliott both scoring highlight reel goals to lead the home team.
Swift Current got 3 in the 3rd to beat Medicine Hat 4-2. In Brandon, Brayden Schenn had two goals and an assist as the Wheat Kings pounded Kootenay 7-2. Out west, Vancouver demolished Prince George 8-2 outshooting them 53-18. Everett scored twice in the final three minutes to tie the game but Tri-Cities took Game 1 of their series when Justin Feser scored in overtime for a 6-5 win. Kelowna beat Kamloops 4-2 and Spokane got by Seattle 2-1.
One other thing if you didn’t hear. Kevin Glenn has signed with the Hamilton Tiger-Cats.


  1. Anonymous3/21/2009

    And when Cherry says something like "don't celebrat like Ovechkin, be a good canadian kid...." someone should remind him about that good Canadian kid from Weyburn Tiger Williams and his celebration

  2. Anonymous3/21/2009

    I agree Ovechkin shows his excitement for the game but he does go a little overboard does he not. He makes every goal seem like a Stanley Cup winner. It was like Mike Foligno and his stupid little jump. Enough already!! I'm not saying he has to stop but if he scores a goal to make it 4-1 and its his 54th goal of the year just raise the stick accept congrats and move on.

    On another topic, why is it you and Pedersen and Vanstone continue to pump Brent Parker's tires. Can the three of you see that in the time Parker has been here that not once have the Pats gone to the Eastern final. I may be wrong but every other team in the East has done it at least once. Even in the Memorial Cup year they got bounced in Rd 1. Brent may be a good guy but its clearly evident he is in over his head when it comes to some of his counterparts. Call a spade a spade and say Parker is/has been a failure. I've had enough of this wait till next year crap. I want a winner and I've wanted one for the past few years. I'm not alone!!

    Jerry F

  3. The main reason for the whining is Ovechkin was not at home when they won. It sounds like a lot of sour "Grapes" (no pun intended, Don Cherry). Ovechkin is one of the few players who is "Writing a cheque with his mouth that his butt CAN cash!" People need to get a life!!
