
Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Shame on TSN

I just finished watching Sportscentre and their Daily Top 10 to mark the spirit of the day was the top 10 "Green" things. Yes, there was Washington Capitals defenceman Mike Green and Mike Weir winning the green jacket and LA Dodgers outfielder Shawn Green but there was no mention of the Riders. C'mon TSN!! When you are in Canada and you think green, there is only one thing you think of---especially in Saskatchewan and that is the Riders!!! Not impressed!


  1. Mitchell:

    What do you expect from the Toronto Sports Network? Even your former colleague Wray Morrison should be giving them an earful!!

    Go Riders!

  2. Anonymous3/17/2009

    This blog is a fail

  3. Anonymous3/17/2009

    Steve Machine isn't speaking for everyone Mitch!

  4. Anonymous3/18/2009

    Steve Machine's internet trash talk = Epic Fail
