
Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Cutler Is Coming To Saskatchewan!!!

Rider fans may want to mark April 1 down as a pivotal day in the 2009 season. Word is the football team is about to sign former Denver Broncos quarterback Jay Cutler to a contract. A spokesman for the football team says Cutler has no desire to play in the NFL after the way he was treated in Denver and when his agent Bus Cook saw that the Riders owned his CFL rights they gave the team a call and an offer was quickly hammered out. He goes on to say the team wasn't going to fool around with something like this because it came together so quickly.


  1. Anonymous4/01/2009

    364 other days of the year I would buy this but not today. Good one though Mitch.


  2. Anonymous4/01/2009

    Hey Mitch...nice try!!!

    The only April Fools joke TODAY is that Mac T is still coaching the Oilers. What was he thinking last night with the stick thing. He should be fired today and told "This is not a joke!"


  3. Anonymous4/01/2009

    Mitch Mitch you son of a well I don't know your mom. I phoned up Dad to tell him this and he told me what day it was. DINK!!! Very good!!


  4. You're assuming that Vanstone gets up this early to read your blog!!!
