
Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Not Changing Course

As you have read in a previous post, the Eric Tillman situation will drag on through at least the start of training camp. The Rider GM has pleaded not guilty to a charge of sexual assault and will have another court date in mid-June. Rider president and CEO Jim Hopson addressed the Regina media this afternoon and told everyone its business as usual. Hopson saying "Things are unfolding the way we thought they would. We always anticipated that this could be a lengthy process, given the precedent. We've expected that and we're still very comfortable with where we are at."
While E-T has not been at Mosaic Stadium and won't be until the matter has been cleared up, Hopson says he is still involved in the operations of the football team and that he remains our general manager.

I do applaud Hopson and the organization for taking this approach as they are taking the "you're innocent until proven guilty" stance. However, I do wonder if this can be detrimental for a football team as the situation hangs over their head. I think I speak for many when I say I want this terrible story to come to a conclusion and then let the cards fall where they may. However, having this hanging over the organization's head once the on-field product starts to do their thing could hurt. Hey, I guess it will give that certain aspect of "fans" a whipping boy and an excuse if the team doesn't do well.

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