
Saturday, April 25, 2009

So Much For That

I said a Detroit-Philly Stanley Cup. Oops!! While Detroit looks like they can get back to the finals, the Flyers are done. They were up 3-0 at home in Game 6 looking like they were going to force a Game 7 in Pittsburgh. So much for that. The Penguins get the last 5--that 5th one in an empty net and its on to round 2 for Sid and company.

How bad were the Flames on Saturday?? Chicago kicked them from pillar to post in beating them 5-1. Calgary coach Mike Keenan giving the mercy pull to Miikka Kiprusoff in the 2nd. I wonder if that means that kid in Calgary that imitates Kipper--who I think must be a little touched---turns off the TV and goes to bed. Seriously, what does mini-Kipper do?? Does mini McElhinney take over? Does the kid go to bed without his milk and cookies?? Someday that kid is going to be real embarassed when ma and pa pull out the DVD's.

In order to win, your best players have to be your best players. Patrick Marleau and Joe Thornton woke up with the season on the line. Both Sharks playing their best game of the series against Anaheim and it nearly wasn't enough. Marleau scored in overtime to keep San Jose alive as they win 3-2 over the Ducks. San Jose will need a victory in Anaheim in Monday to force a Game 7.
John Tortorella won't be behind the Ranger bench for Game 6 against the Capitals Sunday. This after he got into it with a fan during Game 5 on Friday. If I'm Bruce Boudreau and the Capitals, I had better get ready for a wild afternoon at MSG. New York fans will not be happy over this development. Extra security will be needed behind the Washington bench. I wonder what Sean Avery thinks of this development.
Ryley Grantham's goal with about 90 seconds to go in the first period held up as the winner as Kelowna beat Vancouver 1-0 in Game 5 of the WHL West final. It means the Rockets can wrap it up on home ice in Game 6. That 6th game is Monday.
Game 7 will be needed at the Anavet Cup. Humboldt beat Portage 4-3 in overtime Saturday night. That 7th game is Sunday.
Yeah, I spent my Saturday with a lot of other people watching the NFL draft. I'm ok with Seattle taking linebacker Aaron Curry with the 4th overall pick. He will help make a defence that was abysmal a little better. The Jets pulled off the big coup as they trade with Cleveland to get quarterback Mark Sanchez. The Jets fans already love him. How long will it take for that to change. Will this prompt Brett Favre to text Steve Mariucci and say he's coming back. By the way, nothing against the Denver Broncos but I wish ill will on them in 2009. The reason being they made a trade to get Seattle's 2nd round selection. They give the Seahawks their first round pick--not the one they get in the Jay Cutler deal but theirs. I'm thinking that means Seattle will have another very high pick in the 2010 draft. I can't see the Broncos winning more than 4-5 games in 2009.
I have finally seen "The Wrestler". OUTSTANDING!!!!! Speaking of which, I have been told the WWE is indeed returning to Saskatchewan. They will be in both Regina and Saskatoon in August.
Remember Len Dykstra. The Phillies and Mets outfielder has turned into a douchebag extraordinare. Want to know what I mean. Read this......
Caught a glimpse of the NBA playoffs and the Lakers-Jazz series. How can a guy named Boozer be playing in Salt Lake City????
Enjoy your Sunday!


  1. Anonymous4/26/2009

    Was the mini Kipper stuff an attempt at humour? If so, attempt failed! That kid is a dedicated fan that loves his fav. player. You call him touched? Grow are trying to hard.


  2. Anonymous4/26/2009

    Philly??? Why would you even think Philly would win the East much less beat Pittsburgh. They have no goaltending and their defence is weak after Coburn and Timonen. I had the Penguins winning that series before losing to Washington in the conf. final. I agree with you on Ranger fans. Boudreau may want to wear a slicker today.


  3. Anonymous4/26/2009

    Whats the matter Chad? Can't get the knot in your panties out from Kipper losing last night. Is that kid your nephew or something?? This just in---that kid's dumb!! This just in--he can put away all his goal stuff and leave the Saddledome in tears after Game 6. I remember you and Drew talking about that kid last year and I agree with both of you. That's taking it a little too far. I don't care if you are a kid...and I think that kid is like 11 or 12 isn't he.


    BTW: I knew you were going to crash and burn with your Philly pick. How many pools are you now just a spectator in??

  4. Anonymous4/26/2009

    If that kid wants to imitate Kipper, that's fine but do it at home. That is a little embarassing. Sorry Chad, I'm not buyin what you are sellin


  5. Anonymous4/26/2009

    When exactly is the WWE coming. Ticket details. C'mon Mitch, quit teasing!!

  6. Anonymous4/26/2009

    I am NOT a Flames fan. I am just wondering why a grown man goes after a young fan. It is cool and impressive to like something or someone that much. In fact we have quite a few Rider fans that go to that extreme.


  7. Anonymous4/26/2009

    I went to the Portage-Humboldt game last night. What a tilt!! It had everything you wanted in a hockey game. I wish I could be there tonight but work calls Monday morning. Both teams will be hard-pressed to duplicate Game 6


  8. Anonymous4/26/2009

    Sorry Chad. We have Rider fans that wear melons on their head and dress up like that Ricky G guy that sits by the Rider locker-room but I don't see kids sitting in the stands doing everything Durant does or everything Dominguez does or everything Chick does. The kid has gone way too far---especially drawing the beard on his face. CMON!!! If some 11 year old kid went to his mom and dad and said he wanted to shave his head so he could look like Scott Schultz what would they say. I know what you would say. As I said, I'm not buyin what you are sellin.


  9. Anonymous4/26/2009

    I agree. I am not thrilled about calling a kid touched.

  10. I preface my comments by stating I have no use for Sean Avery. Even though that is the case, Avery will be the reason why one team wins and the other team loses. Shall be interesting to see who wins between the Rangers and Washington. I think more people will be irked if the Rangers win out.

  11. Anonymous4/26/2009

    That kid that imitates Kiprusoff is embarassing. I don't know if touched is the word but there's something wrong with him.

    Its bad enough Carlos Boozer plays in a place where booze is not tolerated but then again when you think about it, the jazz clubs in Salt Lake City are unreal!!! Change the name already!!!


  12. I can't believe the garbage I am reading on here to call a kid dumb and embarassing just because he happens to imitate his fav player. No that's embarassing how many of you couch athletes imitated Wayne Gretzky or Mario Lemieux or Bobby Orr playing road hockey scoring the winning goal. None right because it's dumb and embarassing.

  13. Anonymous4/26/2009

    Imitating our childhood heroes when playing some street hockey or football is a lot different than acting it out in front of 18-thousand people. I may have been Guy Lafleur after school but I didn't chain smoke just because he did. Point being I have no problem if this kid wants to pretend he's Kipprusoff while playing with his buddies but to take his act to the rink and do what he does is a little over the top. Its like that kid that wore the favre jersey every day for over a year..that was a little stupid and so is this. If you don't want to agree with me fine but that's my opinion.


  14. Anonymous4/27/2009

    Lenny Dykstra is a real piece of work. He even stiffed his mom!!! What type of scum must you be to stiff your mom for over 20-grand. NICE!!!That whole Mets team of 86 was one douchebag after another (Gooden, Hernandez, Strawberry, Dykstra etc. etc. etc)

    Tim Underwood

  15. To Ed and Matt:
    The bell has rung and all further posts(including what you sent earlier Ed) are not getting on. (Sorry to you too LK). We all have our opinions and those opinions will be agreed on by some and disagreed on by others. Many have done that here. I stand by my opinion and I respect the decision for you to stand by yours. Discussion over!!
