
Monday, April 20, 2009

Who Is This Guy???

There is a long ways to go before the Stanley Cup is handed out and there is a long ways to go in the Capitals-Rangers series, but hockey fans have to be asking who the hell is Simeon Varlamov. Caps coach Bruce Boudreau knows who he is and so far, so good. Boudreau had the onions to take Jose Theodore out of the goal after a shaky Game 1 and insert the rookie. A dangerous decision indeed but one that seems to be working. Yes, the Capitals lost Game 2 with Varlamov in net but they only lost that game 1-0. Varlamov gets the shutout in Game 3 as Washington wins a game they absolutely had to have by a score of 4-0. While Varlamov is the story of this game, one has to once again shake their head at the antics of Sean Avery. The Ranger forward showed everyone that maybe he's getting a C minus in those anger management classes. He was an idiot in Game 3 and that's being kind. For the Rangers to be successful, Avery has to be an agitator but he has to do it in a way that is beneficial to his team and not detrimental. His play last nite was very detrimental and one that has to have teammates asking themselves why they put up with him. By the way, here's a trivia question for you concerning the Caps. Varlamov is the 4th rookie goalie in the history of the team to start a playoff game. Who are the other 3??? Answer at the bottom.

I don't like the Flames but I gotta hand it to their fans. Was it just me or was everyone in attendance at the Saddledome wearing a red Flames jersey. I can't see them being giveaways making me wonder if its law in Cowtown that citizens must own a red jersey with the Flaming "C" on it. (MEMO to self: If this is the case, never, ever move to Calgary!!)Every fan was seemingly wearing a jersey and those fans went home happy as the Flames beat the Hawks 4-2 to get back in the series. This was a nasty game right from the get-go and Game 4 should be in the words of the great Ed Whalen "a ring a ding dong dandy".

Meanwhile it looks like the 100th anniversary of the Canadiens is about to end with a whimper. The Bruins are one game away from sweeping their rivals after a 4-2 win. I really don't know what went wrong in Montreal but Bob Gainey has to take a lions share of the blame in my mind. I'm also going to throw this out there. Its no secret Montreal would love to have Vincent Lecavalier. In a trade to get him, would you throw in Carey Price?? Price is not the reason Montreal is losing the series but he seems to be someone who isn't living up to the hype. Is it time to go with Halak and send Price elsewhere. I'll leave that for Hab fans who read this to decide.
One would think John Tavares is the overwhelming choice to go number one overall at the NHL draft but one scouting service says Tavares isn't ranked number one or even two on his list. Here's that story.....

I'm starting to wonder if Brian Burke has Mr. Woodlief on his payroll!!!!!


Could it really be 21 degrees on Wednesday?? If it is, enjoy it because The Weather Network is calling for a high of 2 on Sunday. That's the day that both of my girls are supposed to start playing softball---yes even my 5 year old starts in learn to play this year. I'm thinking as it stands right now that opening day might be set back a few days.


The spicy sausage and red pepper penne from Eastside Marios that you can buy from your favourite grocery store in a single serving may be the best damn dish going. Its pretty damn good at the Eastside Marios as well. The sad thing is you can't buy those for a buck on dollar days at Sobeys.


What will make fans forget about an 0-16 season. Why a new logo of course. Ladies and gentlemen, here's your new Detroit Lions logo.....

Yeah, that will bring them a division title soon. Later!!!

Trivia answer: The 4 Washington Capital rookie goaltenders to start a playoff game are Bob Mason, Byron Dafoe, Jim Carey and Simeon Varlamov.

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