
Saturday, May 16, 2009

Halfway Home

Hard to think that the battle for the Stanley Cup is only at the midway mark. The Canes, Penguins, Wings and Hawks have all given a lot already and they still have a lot more that has to be given if they want to hoist hockey's holy grail. I don't know about you, but I think these playoffs have been great compared to some other years. There have been a lot of good series and I think both conference finals will be good as well.
I love the way Chris Osgood described Chicago after polishing off Anaheim the other night. He told Elliotte Friedman, "They're young, they're fast, they show no fear." BINGO!!! Some think the torch in the Western Conference is about to be passed. I'm not so sure of that. Take nothing away from Chicago because they are good, but I think they still need to learn a thing or two in the playoffs and Detroit will play the role of the professor. I'll take Detroit to win this one.
As for the East final between the Canes and Penguins, I think Carolina can use the same formula to beat Pittsburgh that they did to beat Boston. That is just to skate, skate, skate and outwork the Penguins. I also think Cam Ward will out perform Marc-Andre Fleury. In fact, the Carolina goalie might be the favourite when it comes to the Conn Smythe Trophy--especially if they move on to the finals.
I wonder what the people of Winnipeg are thinking today after hearing Gary Bettman say he would rather see the Coyotes head there than go to Southern Ontario. I would absolutely love to see the Jets re-incarnated. It would mean the end of the Moose, but I think Winnipeggers would understand. My allegiances would remain with the Oilers, but I would love to see Winnipeg get a 2nd shot. Hey Atlanta got one and so did the Twin Cities so why not. I would love to know what Bettman says about Jim Balsillie when the doors are closed. Give Balsillie credit as he is not letting his dream die, but Bettman just keeps throwing obstacle after obstacle at him.
Drummondville beat Windsor 3-2 in overtime at the Memorial Cup meaning they join Kelowna atop the ladder. The Spitfires come in as the heavy favourite, but they looked nothing like the best team of the four at the tournament in this one.
I don't care what anyone says, Tumblers is still the best pizza in Regina.
The Jays can win high scoring games and they proved yesterday they can win the low scoring ones as well. I wonder when Toronto will wake up and actually see that one of their teams is winning.
I really hope the Houston Rockets can complete an upset of the L-A Lakers today. Seeing Kobe on the sidelines would be outstanding. Seeing Kobe have an off game and then go to the sidelines would make it even sweeter.
I saw a guy in Regina today driving a truck with a Detroit Lions licence plate. That takes a lot of guts!!! Then again the truck could have been stolen and he doesn't know about it. Yeah, who would want to steal a truck with a Lions plate on it.
Would the Canucks really trade Roberto Luongo??? If they do, don't expect the Sedins to be in Canuck uniforms next year either.
I really don't understand why Rider fans are worked up over the Kitwana Jones trade. He wasn't going to be a starter and there's no guarantee he would have made the team. Everyone was up in arms over the Fred Perry trade last year and now he's in Winnipeg. They were also up in arms over the Kerry Joseph trade(OK, I didn't like that one either) and look at the season he had. Just a message for the Rider nation----RELAX!!!!!!
With Wayne Smith now out for the season, will a call be made to Mike Abou-Mechrek??
Who catches more passes in 09 from Rider quarterbacks---Jason Clermont or Andy Fantuz?
I really, really hope TSN isn't showing empty seats at the Brandt Centre when the World Juniors hit but I'm starting to wonder.
Someone really needs to explain the allure of camping to me. Watching paint dry would be better times for this guy. My definition of camping---an air conditioned hotel room, cable TV and an indoor pool. A good hotel lounge doesn't hurt either.



  1. Anonymous5/17/2009

    I have your next poll: James Duthie or Ron Maclean?

  2. Anonymous5/17/2009

    Camping. No TV, No Internet, No comfortable bed, No long showers, No thanks!!!!

  3. Anonymous5/17/2009

    Regina was short changed with the scheduling, with the cost of the ticket packages, more than a couple of team Canada exhibition games is needed for the price, a bronze medal game in Regina would have been an incentive to purchase a package. Individual ticket sales will increase the attendance, last time I checked Saskatoon has some work ahead to sell tickets in a city that prefers freebees to actual paying for tickets.

  4. Anonymous5/17/2009

    Tumblers is the best pizza period!!!
