
Monday, May 4, 2009

Nothing Wrong With Playoff O-T.

I knew it would only be a matter of time after seeing the Wings and Ducks go to triple overtime on Sunday before someone would start to whine about marathon overtime games. The winner is Sportsnet's Mike Brophy. He says a 4 hour 22 minute hockey game is an excruciating bore(much like his columns). Overtime hockey is great and when it is multiple overtimes, its even better. The Stanley Cup is the hardest trophy in sports to win and part of winning it means sometimes having to play a little extra. Every shift turns into a survival of the fittest. Mistakes are magnified. Yeah you won't see the energy in the 3rd overtime period that you would see in the 3rd period but that's when we see who wants it and who doesn't. Changing the overtime format would be wrong---so, so wrong!!! Its one of the reasons I hate to see games that have a winner goes home label attached to it go to a shootout. You have guys that give it their all for the entire game and then they are just reduced to spectator as a skills competition determines the winner. KEEP PLAYING!!!!
I don't know if the Caps and Penguins are going to have a marathon overtime session but if they do, I would want to be watching Sidney Crosby and Alex Ovechkin very carefully. Both lived up to their star-studded reputation in Game 2 of their 2nd round series. Both had the hat-trick and in the end Washington beat Pittsburgh 4-3 to take a 2-0 series lead.
Here's a question for you. What team has a better future? Washington or Chicago??? How good would a Stanley Cup be between these two teams. The Caps with Ovechkin, Semin and Backstrom. The Hawks with Toews, Kane and Sharp. Washington has Green, Chicago has Campbell. Chicago has the veteran guarding the goal in Khabibulin while Washington has the youngster Varlamov doing his thing. I don't think it happens this year but I wouldn't rule it out perhaps as early as next year.
The Globe's Eric Duhatschek is openly wondering if the Calgary Flames are in such a cap crunch that they need to move Dion Phaneuf. Duhatschek asking if Calgary would try to move the defenceman who did regress this year considering that he, along with Iginla, Kiprusoff and Jokinen take up almost half the payroll. With Phaneuf, there is no way Calgary can afford to go after free agent Jay Bouwmeester but if Calgary could find a taker for Phaneuf's mammoth contract and get a couple of young guys and a draft pick or two in return, it could give them the ability to chase Jay Bo. Does Calgary have the cajones to get rid of a guy who has Scott Stevens like potential with more offence. We'll see??
No miracle finish for the Humboldt Broncos at the RBC Cup in Victoria Monday night. They were smacked around by a tune of 7-1 by the Vernon Vipers of the BC Junior League. The Broncos are now 1-1. Many believe these are the two teams we will see in Sunday's final
Kelowna is one game away from what I thought was the improbable. Kelowna is in position to win the WHL title and sweep---yes sweep a Calgary Hitmen team that had been so dominant in these playoffs after a 3-0 win last night. I knew Kelowna was good--but this good???
I told you a while back that the WWE was coming back to Saskatchewan. The RAW brand will be in Saskatoon August 7 and they will be in Regina August 8 at the Brandt Centre. I'll see ya there. Cena, Orton, Triple H, Batista, Kelly Kelly, etc. etc. It will be a great night.
Sportsnet continues to baffle me. Once again last night, the Jays home game against Cleveland was on Sportsnet East and Pacific. Sportsnet West had the Orioles and Tampa while Sportsnet Ontario had the Yankees-Red Sox game. Why has Sportsnet decided not to show the Jays from coast-to-coast as they have for years. Is it a way to try and get people to buy all 4 packages. All I know is if Toronto truly wants to be known as Canada's team, they should be coast-to-coast on Sportsnet---especially when the team is playing as well as it is.
Pat Fiacco has announced he is going to run again for mayor meaning Pat Fiacco will be mayor again once all the ballots have been counted October 28. Not everyone likes Fiacco and I understand that but tell me that Regina isn't a better place now than it was in 2000 when he first took over. Fiacco loves the city in which he lives and he has done a lot to improve it. He still has a lot of work to do and that is why he is going to try and seek a fourth term. It will be interesting to see if anyone challenges him. If he does have a challenge, will someone make Fiacco's hair a campaign topic. I still can't believe "The Leader-Post" actually ran a story about his hair a while back. If and when Pat does get in, I just hope he finds some way to get a grader down my street in the wintertime....after all the past two winters I haven't seen one.
Tori Spelling is on the cover of this week's People magazine looking like a mess. I saw the cover and thought of someone I used to deal with on a day to day basis. I couldn't stand her --Tori that is--on Beverly Hills 90210. Oops, I guess that is an admission that I used to watch that show. I did for one reason--Jennie Garth. Yes, I know she is in the new 90210 and she still looks good but I'm not watching the new version thank you very much.
It looks like the Rider sellout streak will continue in 09. As Rider fans know, the team has sold out its last 18 home games. With 23-thousand season tickets sold, it means there isn't a lot of room for walkup so the team has decided to once again install temporary seating. An additional 2-thousand seats will be made available for all games and I'm guessing those tickets will be snapped up soon. Its just over a month until training camp begins. The first home game of the year is a pre-season game against the Stampeders June 23 with the first league game being a Friday nighter against BC on July 3. That is the only Friday night game at home that the team plays this year. I wonder if that is something they decide or not. With "Friday Night Football" being such a success, I would think the CFL would like to have the Riders hosting a few more Friday nighters so that the Rider Nation could show the country what having passion for CFL football is all about.
I was going to ask whatever happened to Jaret know him the Subway guy that got replaced by the monkey. I don't have to ask anymore. He was on RAW last night. I was so hoping he would get squished into oblivion by the Big Show or someone. Alas my wishes were not answered.

That is all!!


  1. I'm a big hockey fan (hardcore Oilers supporter) but I must respectfully disagree about the Stanley Cup being the most difficult trophy to win in sports.

    While difficult, it pales in comparison to the FIFA World Cup of Soccer.

    There are 207 countries eligible to participate in the 32-team tournament. Qualifying for the event is about a 2 1/2 year process. Unlike other sports where you can build your team through free agency or the draft, you have to rely on a good eye in finding the best talent within your country - which is a lot easier said than done.

    There is literally no room for error as a team has between 2-3 opportunities to ever win the World Cup (by team I mean the players that make up that team).

    Once the tournament begins you're virtually in sudden-death mode. At the very most you can only afford to lose once. And unlike hockey where you may carry the weight of a city on your shoulders - in soccer, you carry the weight of an entire country that hopes and dreams for a World Cup victory.

  2. Anonymous5/05/2009

    Playoff hockey is great!! I agree with you Mitch. Don't change a thing!!!

    I agree with Duthie last night. I'm actually going to cheer for Pittsburgh so we can hopefully get more of what we saw last night. Bettman must be smiling like a butchers dog this morning.

    Soccer...PFFFTT!!! A guy touches you and you act like your dead. C'mon!!! Play the sport like a man!!!!

    Could Florida do a trade and sign thus sending Jay Bo to Calgary for Phaneuf. Elisha would love that!!!

    Are the Jays complaining about the Sportsnet coverage. They should be seeing Western Canada is getting alienated. Whoever designed this scheme should be fired!

    Fiacco has done great things for Regina. If he could just get North Central cleaned up. Then again, I don't know who can really fix that cesspool.


  3. Shanofer.5/05/2009

    In 1993-94, Scott Stevens put up 78 points and was a +53. Call me when Phaneuf ever puts up numbers like that.

    Yes, he idolises Stevens...but he's nowhere close.

    Knowing Mr. Sensation, I am shocked that he did not identify the Tour de France as the toughest trophy to win.

  4. Would be neat to see a Washington-Blackhawks cup final.

    it would be utterly stupid for the Flames to give up on Mr. Elisha Cuthbert. Is Dion 23 or 24? The kid has more upside than Bouwmeester or any other UFA. Think of the injuries Calgary battled. With a depleted defense, it is no wonder Phaneuf was hurt near the end of the season.
