
Monday, May 11, 2009

The Single Point Stays

As you can see in the post below, the CFL is adopting rule changes--rule changes suggested to them by the fans. I like what the league has done in two ways. 1)The moves should create more play --especially in the return game and 2) The league is listening to its fans who suggested these changes. However, there is one change this fan suggested that isn't being made. That is the elimination of the single point. Plain and simple, I hate the single point. I don't understand how you can reward someone for failure. If you miss a field goal, you shouldn't be given a point. If the punt that you wanted to go out of bounds inside the 10 goes into the endzone, you shouldn't get a single point for it. It's a stupid rule and it was one I hoped would change. Yes, some say "the rouge" is one of the things that makes the Canadian game unique. I think its something that makes the Canadian game look dumb! Debate away!
The NHL would never admit they would want Crosby vs Ovechkin to go seven games but that is what they are getting. The two teams went to overtime again with Washington coming out on top this time by a score of 5-4. Its been a great series with both Sid and Alex leading their respective teams. Who comes up with the bigger game in Game 7??? Whoever does likely sees their team moving into the Eastern Conference final.

If you told me the Canucks would score 5 goals in Game 6 of their series with Chicago, I would tell you they won. Roberto Luongo has saved his team on many nights but on this night, he let them down and as a result, Canada's remaining hope in this Stanley Cup playoffs has been snuffed out. That young Chicago team just attacked, attacked and attacked again all night long putting seven behind Luongo to win the series in 6. I've said it once and I'll say it again. What's not to like about this Chicago team. They are fun to watch. What also will be fun to watch is the off-season in Vancouver. One has to think Mats Sundin has played his last game. Can this team re-sign the Sedin twins? Rumour has it they could end up reunited with Brian Burke in Toronto. Matthias Ohlund is a free agent that I'm guessing will draw considerable interest. Luongo has one year left on his deal. I'm guessing the Canucks would like to sign him to an extension and they would like to do it sooner than later. I'm not saying the window has closed in Vancouver but it is narrowing.

I don't know if its a secret in Regina or not, but the city should be very proud of the baseball/softball facilities it has. They have to be right up there with other Canadian centres. You have Currie Field and Kaplan Field which are both fine places to watch a game. Optimist Park on Dewdney looks great now since having a facelift before the Canada Summer Games. Add to that the Regina girls softball complex on 9th Avenue North and Broad, Rambler Park and the diamonds at Douglas Park and there are many very good places to play and watch. In a city where football and hockey seemingly run the roost and for good reason, baseball/softball maybe doesn't get the ink it deserves but it should partially because of the diamonds that Reginans get to play on when playing the game competitively.
That being said, I would still love to see a baseball stadium that could bring us something like the Northern League. I don't think that day will ever come though----at least not during my time. Nothing against the Regina Red Sox or the Western Major Baseball League but I would like to see some semi-pro ball here. Speaking of the Red Sox, they will get going in a couple of weeks. There's nothing like spending a nice night at the ballpark and I will be making sure I get out to more Red Sox games this year than I did last.
Has Brett Favre signed on with the Vikings yet????
Is Penny really going to miss Leonard on " The Big Bang Theory"??? I know if I was Leonard, I'd be missing Penny!!! That show is the funniest one on TV at this time.
I was going to have my first Dr. Pepper slurpee of the summer yesterday. Alas. my neighbourhood 7-11 did not have Dr. Pepper as one of its featured slurpees. DAMN!!! Perhaps today!
Will I ever cash in my Air Miles??


  1. Anonymous5/12/2009

    Big Bang Theory might be the worst show on tv. The Office is hands down the best comedy.

  2. Anonymous5/12/2009

    Sorry Mitch, I tried, but I can't get behind Big Bang Theory. '30 Rock' is the funniest sitcom on the tube by a mile.


    PS-Nice choke Vancouver. :(

  3. Anonymous5/12/2009

    There's nothing wrong with the single point. Its great!!! I think it makes the game what it is. Quit harping on getting rid of it.

    As for the Big Bang Theory, that show ROCKS and is much better than The Office or 30 Rock. I can only wish I had a girl like Penny living next door to me when I was growing up.


  4. Anonymous5/12/2009

    Hey Mitch:

    I agree with you about Big Bang and Penny, very funny and very hot! I wish on How I Met Your Mother they would get it over with and tell us, its killing me....maybe it will be Penny?

    On the Oilers: Who is going to be the coach?

