
Monday, May 25, 2009

This And That

Curtis Hunt is now officially the new head coach of the Regina Pats. It was good to see him at yesterday's newser, but I do have to admit I am disappointed he is back.
I am disappointed because I was hoping he would succeed in Ottawa. When he left almost a year ago, I congratulated him on the opportunity and said I would relish the opportunity to speak to him on the sports show about how life is going in Ottawa. Needless to say, I didn't get that chance and he didn't get much of a chance in Ottawa either. If someone deserves to have success at the NHL level, it was Curtis Hunt. He may still get that chance, but it won't be immediately.
GM Brent Parker (who surprisingly mentioned this blogger in his opening remarks--surely Mr. Parker has better things to do than read this blog but thanks Brent) said had Curtis not left one year ago, there would not be a press conference today. He is absolutely right. Will the Pats succeed under Hunt? I think they can. With Eberle and Teubert and Weal, you have a good start. Will they be good enough to beat a Brandon Wheat Kings team that will host the Memorial Cup next year. I doubt it unless Brayden Schenn, Scott Glennie and Keith Aulie are all in the NHL, but Regina hockey fans should be happy with what has happened today. I know Hunt has his critics and I know Brent has his critics as well. Lets see what happens.
I was hoping a series in Baltimore against the last place Orioles would put an end to Toronto's six game losing streak. Nope!! Make it seven as the Toronto bats continue to be silent as they lose 4-1. They have gone from first to third in the A-L East quicker than a Vernon Wells at-bat (that turns out to be a popout to 2nd)with men on base. The weaknesses of this team have started to be exposed. They need pitching to help Roy Halladay and they need it soon. Perhaps what is more disgusting is the fact the Cubs are one game under 500 and five out of the lead in the NL Central. WTF???
Patrick Roy has been offered the coach and GM job in Colorado. I can't help but wonder if Patrick is waiting to see if he gets the same offer in Montreal. One has to believe Bob Gainey must fall on the sword for what happened this year. St. Patrick as coach and GM of the Habs would be very, very interesting---especially if the losses outnumbered the victories.
I'm really enjoying the Nuggets-Lakers series. I'm also enjoying seeing Kobe Bryant do nothing but whine, bitch and complain when he doesn't get a call and then pout. There's no doubt he is one of the best basketball players on the planet, but there is also no doubt that he is one of the biggest sucks on the planet as well. SHUT UP AND PLAY!!!! Oh and you might want to remember when you are down by double digits in the final quarter that there are four other team-mates on the floor. Take another shot ball-hog!!! I really do despise Bryant and enjoy it when he fails. If Denver should beat the Lakers in this series or if L-A should lose to Orlando or Cleveland, Bryant will take a tremendous amount of heat again. He got jealous of Shaq and forced him out of town and now he can't win without the big man. AWWWWWWWW!!!!!
WWE ring announcer Lillian Garcia needs to take a course in Canadian geography 101. In introducing Divas champ Maryse last nite on RAW, she said she was from Montreal, Ontario CANADA. Yeah OK...thanks Lil!!! Good old J-R was quick to pounce on the mistake saying Maryse is indeed from Montreal, Quebec. Montreal, Ontario....CMON!!!!
That's all I got for today. Stay thirsty my friends!!!

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