
Wednesday, May 20, 2009

What Will It Be Like??

The NFL Network had a great program on Wednesday. In two one hour specials, they showed an NFL films presentation called "The Lost Ballparks". It looked back at the history of Baltimore's Memorial Stadium, Three Rivers Stadium in Pittsburgh, Foxboro Stadium just outside of Boston and Denver's Mile High Stadium. All four facilities were replaced by newer models, but the tradition of the old park still lives with many---players and fans. The shows talked with members and fans of the various organizations discussing how great the old stadium was. A lot if the interviews were done with the rubble of the old park in the background. One Steelers fan got visibly emotional when talking about the history of Three Rivers Stadium and how he cried when the building was imploded.

It made me wonder about what the scene will be like when Mosaic Stadium plays host to its final Rider game. Its inevitable that will happen. How will the old girl be ushered out?? How big of an event will that game and what happens after be?? How will fans react?? How many tears will be shed?? Will they want to take a piece of the place with them? Make no doubt about it, it will be an emotional evening when the Riders play their last ever home game. The team could be ofer the season and the place would be packed for it. I don't think the fans would leave. As much as they have criticized the place, they won't want to leave, because they know they will never be back. Many will reminisce about great times shared watching the football team do their thing win or lose. I also wonder how the stadium would be erased from the city skyline. Would it be by explosion or would a quick implosion bring years of history crumbling down. I don't know how I or other fans would react seeing a wrecking ball bring the place down. Driving down Saskatchewan Drive and seeing the stadium in shambles would surely be emotional would it not??? Then again, an implosion wouldn't be the easiest thing either. There would have to be a massive tailgating party for that.

I guess the main thing is as we would tearfully say goodbye to a place that brought so many memories for football fans young and old in this province, we would cheerfully say hello to a new stadium. One that Saskatchewan and Saskatchewan football fans deserve. In all four cases in the NFL, while one stadium left, a bigger and better one emerged. One that has created its own memories. It will happen here too. It will be a very emotional time though for many when that final home game does offence, but I hope it happens soon. I still love Mosaic Stadium, but I yearn for the day when I can see the team play in a new modern facility. As Vanstone says, driving down George Reed Avenue and walking into Lancaster Stadium will be a tremendous experience.
Still with the Riders, I wholeheartedly applaud the Plaza of Honor committee for their 2009 inductees--especially the decision to enshrine Norm Fong as one of the all-time greats. The long-time equipment manager is someone who is synonymous with the organization. When I think of everything Normie has seen over his 34 years on the job, I just wonder if he put pen to paper just what kind of bestselling book he would have. The stories he must have. The players he has seen, the regimes he has gone through, the highs of a championship and the lows of those two win seasons. Dealing with everyone from Lancaster to Joseph.... Reed to Cates...Abendschan to Makowsky....Kosid to Davis, Normie has dealt with many players and many coaches. There is no better than the guy Ridgway affectionately refers to as "The Chinaman". He is an outstanding choice and I'm sure it will be very emotional and very humourous when he is inducted in September. Tom Burgess is the latest member of the 89 team to go into the Plaza and his induction is likely overdue. Dan Farthing is just and was just a classy individual on and off the field. I often wondered how many accolades Farthing could have received if the teams he had played on were better. When you consider the less than stellar way Dan was released by the organization this makes this selection even better. Congratulations to all three.
Once again the only hockey to look at Wednesday was the Memorial Cup. The two Quebec teams went at it with Drummondville beating host Rimouski 3-2 in overtime. Rimouski will now play Windsor in a tiebreaker with the winner meeting the Voltigeurs in the semi-final. The winner of that game plays Kelowna in the final.
I think everyone in the golf world has Phil Mickleson on their mind. "Lefty" is leaving the Tour for an indefinite time after learning his wife, Amy has breast cancer. Golf is obviously not first and foremost on the mind of Mickleson as he helps his wife take on the biggest fight of her life---one I hope she wins. Before I leave this earth, I really, really hope to hear that a cure has been found for a disease that has simply taken too many good people. I think each and every one of you that is reading this knows someone who has been affected by cancer so you know what the Micklesons are going through. Here's hoping for a happy ending!
Are the Jays and their young arms crashing to earth. The Red Sox winning the first two meetings of the year against the young Toronto team. Is it too early to say tomorrow's finale between the two teams is a must win for Cito's crew??? Just one win in five tries against the Yankees and Boston this year certainly puts a damper on what has been a great first six weeks of the season.
Someone in Edmonton has won 50 million on 6/49. I know many, many people in Edmonton. Do I know someone who has 50 million to burn today???? I can't imagine what my first reaction would be if I found out I had a winning lottery ticket worth 50 million....or 1 million for that matter. If you won one million dollars, would that be enough to call it a career. Would you ever work again???
What QB soap opera down south will be more nauseating? Michael Vick's or Brett Favre's.


  1. Anonymous5/21/2009

    No way, no how will the new facility be named Lancaster Stadium. The financial impact of selling the naming rights would be way too big to not go the corporate route. Unless taxpayers are expected to pick up 100% of the cost? No thanks!

    Ronnie should definitely have a presence though. Maybe they could name the practice field after him, or the street leading to the stadium. Something like that.

  2. Anonymous5/21/2009

    You might have to tear my body away from the stadium on the night of the last game. I think I would sit there all night and just soak it in! It will be a strange night though thats for sure.


  3. Anonymous5/21/2009

    I saw the same program yesterday and started thinking the same thing. The last game at Taylor Field and the day demolition begins will be events I will have to be at.

  4. Anonymous5/21/2009

    I would have no problem with the new stadium being named after Ronnie.

  5. Anonymous5/21/2009

    Cool. Then feel free to pick up the building costs while you're at it.

  6. Anonymous5/21/2009

    Mitch. You knew you were at a football game when you went to Mile High Stadium. Its the best place I've ever witnessed a sporting event at. The new place is nice too but there is something missing.

