
Thursday, June 25, 2009

Count on Schultz For A Laugh

A perfect day for Rider practice as the sun was shining brightly and intensely on Mosaic Stadium as the team did its thing and the media did theirs---which is yak and tell story after story after story. Many which can't be repeated.
Obviously there weren't as many players on the field as several were cut. However, two that weren't were draft picks Tamon George and Nick Hutchins--both from the U of R Ram program. Kicker Perri Scarcelli is also still with the team as he has been put on the practice roster. It had some suggesting jokingly (is that a word?) that Rams coach Frank McCrystal has to be tearing his hair out knowing three of his players likely aren't coming back. While it is bad news for the Rams as they get ready for another season of Canada West ball, you know Frank feels great for those three. Frank loves to turn his players into the community leaders of tomorrow and he has done a great job over the years, but you also know he loves seeing his guys get to that next level because it says something great about what is a great program. He should be feeling very proud today and for good reason.
Scott Schultz was his usual jovial self after practice. He had just finished an interview with Rod Pedersen when a wayward punt came our way. The ball glanced off the back of Schultz and he went down as if he had been shot, writhing on the turf, screaming while holding his knee making sure every movement was seen and heard. It was great stuff. Too bad cameras weren't rolling.
Coach Ken Miller told reporters he knows who his starting quarterback for the season opener against B.C will be, but he hasn't spoken to either Darian Durant or Steven Jyles yet.

NBA fans. North Carolina alum Durant says Tyler Hansbrough will make a better NBA player than Ty Lawson. Both are expected to go in the first round of tonight's proceedings. He says another Tar Heel Wayne Ellington may be better than both of the aforementioned players.

One other piece of CFL news. The Ti-Cats have put Kenton Keith on the nine game injured list. He has a knee injury.

When I left for practice today, the Cubs were beating Detroit 3-0. I return to see they got beat 6-5 and are once again one game under 500. This season is slowly turning into a disaster---then again I shouldn't expect anything less from the Cubbies should I. SIGGHHHHHHHH!!!!

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