
Saturday, June 20, 2009

The Hopson Era Will Continue For A While

The Riders AGM went yesterday. Everyone knew what the bottom line was as it was revealed a few weeks ago that the team made a staggering 1.62 million dollars in 2008. Total gross revenues exceeded 28 million which is a record. A couple of items did come from the meeting with the biggest one being president and CEO Jim Hopson has had his contract extended through until 2011. That is likely the smartest thing the football team could do. If I have said it once, I will say it a thousand times. The credit for this organization turning the corner can be placed on Jim's door. I don't have to tell you this team was in a state of disarray just a few short years ago, but Hopson came in and gave the organization a solid cleansing from top to bottom. What resulted was a change in culture, a championship attitude and a never before seen enthusiasm when it comes to the people who support this team.
Hopson indicated that by the time his contract runs out, it will be time for him to move on meaning a new man will have to be found. A succession plan will begin soon. I have no idea who will replace Jim as the top dog, but he will have some big-time shoes to fill.
In what also was a clear indication as to how popular the /=S=/ logo is, the team also revealed that for every dollar of CFL merchandise that is bought, that 54 cents is spent on Rider gear. That is simply unheard of and goes back to the all time popularity this team has.
Tell me that can't put a little bit of pressure on Ken Miller and the coaching staff as you know the organization doesn't want this popularity high to end anytime soon. It means the squad must show they are a team that can be considered a serious threat to winning the Grey Cup again. I think Ken and crew are more than up to facing that challenge.
The best Rider at practice on Saturday might have been defensive back Denatay Heard. He has had a pretty good camp overall and from all accounts was one defensive player who played well in Edmonton on Wednesday. With Omarr Morgan and likely Donovan Alexander manning the corners, Lance Frazier and Eddie Davis at half and James Patrick at safety, it will be interesting to see where Heard fits in the secondary equation.
He said go ahead and blog that Scruffy, so alright I will. Sitting at practice today with Rod Pedersen, he was saying how Bryan Hall sings an Eskimo fight song at the end of the 3rd quarter. It was suggested by outgoing football operations co-ordinator Tony Playter that Rod should do the same thing. Imagine what it would be like when the 3rd quarter ends and the Maxtron Crew focuses their cameras on Rod who would lead the crowd into a stirring rendition of "Green is the Colour". It would be like Harry Caray singing "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" at Wrigley Field. Hey, it would be better than Worksafe Bob stretching while they play "The Last Saskatchewan Pirate". I hate that song!!!! I know I'm likely in the moral minority when I say that, but I do!
Its the US Open and three Canadians are sitting near the top of the leaderboard. Rain, as golf fans know, has screwed this event up completely meaning it won't end until Monday or Tuesday if they have to go to a playoff. Ricky Barnes leads at 8 under with Mike Weir two shots back, amateur Nick Taylor, who hails from Winnipeg, is 2 under and Stephen Ames is even. It would sure be nice to see these guys keep their game going tomorrow and Monday. Tiger Woods is 3 over meaning he is 11 back. I don't think he can do it this time, but then again, this is Tiger Woods.
If you take a look at the previous post on here, you will see that you have a chance to play the Bethpage Black course right from the comfort of your computer. I did that Saturday and well, lets just say I shoot triple digits and can't putt worth a crap when I play for real and I hit triple digits and couldn't putt worth a crap when playing BPB. I shot a 108 with 43 putts. BRUTAL!!!!!!
UFC fans, did you catch Diego Sanchez vs Clay Guida last night. WOW!!! Those two guys just brought it. Dana White must have been frothing at the mouth when that was over. That might have been one of the best UFC fights I have seen since I started watching.
Is there anything better than a good old fashioned thunderstorm? I love it when the rain comes pelting down with the sound of thunder overhead.
Happy Fathers Day to all the Dads out there. While Mom has done a lot for me, so has Dad. I will never ever forget my first NHL hockey game in Winnipeg, my first NFL games in Florida, those trips to Alberta and Montana to watch the Pioneer Baseball League and many other things too numerous to mention. To salute all the dads, here is a vintage father-son talk from arguably the greatest television father if not the greatest television character of all-time, the great Al Bundy....


  1. Anonymous6/21/2009

    Al Bundy is a great man!!!! I always laugh when that show comes on TV. I don't think there was ever a bad one.

    Count me in as one of those wanting to see Pedersen sing. I can just see him waving the microphone out there. Everyone would be singing along. It would be GREAT!!!!

    I broke 100 on Bethpage!!! Thanks for allowing me to kill an hour on this miserable Sunday.


  2. Anonymous6/21/2009

    How can you hate the Last Sask Pirate. Shame on you!!!

  3. Anonymous6/21/2009

    I too hate the Last Sask Pirate and am glad Scruffy you do too. Personally, WorkSafe Bob creeps me out. They should try to bounce new ideas around for something different.

    Keep up the good Work!

    Happy Father's Day!

  4. Anonymous6/21/2009

    Sanchez-Guida was the best UFC fight I've ever seen. The first 40 seconds were unreal!

    Good on the Riders for keeping Hoppy around.


  5. Anonymous6/21/2009

    Mark me down as a "yea" for Pedersen singing.
