
Thursday, June 4, 2009

I Guess We Do Have A Series

I still think the Wings will win the Stanley Cup, but Pittsburgh has made a series of it. Marc-Andre Fleury has decided to stop letting in softies, players not named Crosby and Malkin are scoring for the Penguins and Detroit doesn't possess that killer instinct I thought they would. As a result, the best of seven is now a best of three after a 4-2 Pittsburgh win meaning Game 5 in Detroit next Saturday.

When Brad Stuart scored to make it 2-1, I thought the Wings were likely one goal away from going up 3-1 in the series, but Jordan Staal, Sid and Tyler Kennedy scored in a six minute span in the 2nd and it was game over.

Bring on Game 5!


By the way, Hockey Night in Canada has had some great intros over the past few years and they have done some great things. However, what they did before Game 2 has to go down as one of the worst things they have ever done. Saying this is cheezy is complimentary.....
His blood smells like cologne???!!! Good god!!!

One other HNIC note. I'm still not crazy with the new theme.

Rider rookie camp wraps up today. I spoke with coach Miller after Thursday's practice about how many guys will get an invite to main camp that starts Sunday. I then asked him if its good for each team to have at least two or three rookies just to keep things fresh. Miller said it is good to have that, but he added with guys like Jason Clermont and Joe McGrath, they will get that because they will be rookies to the Rider room. Good point! It will be interesting though to see if any rookies do crack the opening day roster. I would have to think after two days that Todd Blythe and Chris McKenzie are good shots. In fact if McKenzie is as good with the regulars at main camp as he has looked the past two days, I wonder if it could change the team's thinking on having a Canadian at one of the corners. Then again, I wonder if McKenzie can play safety. No use pondering this until McKenzie gets out there for main camp. By the way, look for a story on Blythe from yours truly on the Riderville site sometime today. One of the best quotes from the Iowa State grad was his response to a question asking if the comparison of him to former Denver receiver Ed McCaffrey is accurate. Blythe's response...."Well we're both tall and white!!" A rookie who is quotable. NICE!!!

(Blogger note: If Blythe makes the team, he may never be able to get away from Vanstone who can't figure out why McCaffrey's bust isn't already enshrined in Canton and wasn't within minutes of his retirement.)


Yes, Eric Cartman makes South Park, but I love episodes starring TIM-MEE!!!!


I'm guessing Randy Johnson will be the last big league pitcher to win 300 games for a long time. The "Big Unit" stamping his reservation into the Baseball Hall of Fame Thursday afternoon when he got win number 300 as his San Francisco Giants beat Washington. It will be a long time before another pitcher gets to that magical mark. Jamie Moyer of the Phillies is the next in line at 250 wins, but there is no way he is winning 50 more games before hanging up the glove. He might not get to 260. Andy Pettitte of the Yankees is at 220 and I can't see him getting to 300 meaning it might be up to someone like Roy Halladay(140 career wins), CC Sabathia (122) or Johan Santana (116).


Game 1 of the NBA finals is all Lakers. They crushed Orlando 100-75 in the opener. Kobe had 40 but once again had the attitude that he is the only player on the court. At one point in the 3rd quarter for about a 4 minute stretch, I don't know if any other Laker except Bryant touched the ball in the Orlando end. Yeah, give him credit for scoring 40, but someone needs to have the onions to call this guy out as a spotlight grabbing ball-hog. You have some team-mates there big man, feel free to use them every once in a while. (Not hard to tell I have no time for the Laker star is there)


UFC boss Dana White is going to give Kimbo Slice a chance by putting him into "The Ultimate Fighter" series. Is this just to mock him??? Even this UFC newbie can see that Kimbo was all hype and no substance. Wouldn't you love to see Kimbo step into the octagon with Brock Lesnar??? That would just be ugly!!!!
Gregg Drinnan says the L-A Kings are not offering a contract to Pats goalie Linden Rowat. I have to wonder if Rowat has played his last game in a Pats uniform. Yes, Rowat was named the Eastern Conference goalie of the year in the 2007-2008 season, but he did not play well in a playoff loss to Swift Current and he had a less than stellar 2008-2009 season. Is it time for Damien Ketlo to get his chance?? I'm thinking Rowat could be trade bait.
When you first heard who the new coach of the Colorado Avalanche was, did you think Burnaby Joe was going from a player to a coach. Its Joe Sacco behind the bench, not Joe Sakic. It did make me listen to the radio a little closer when I first heard the news.

I have never watched the show and never knew it existed until the scandal started, but I can sincerely say I could not care less what happens to Jon and Kate. Is their 15 minutes not up yet????


Sobey's has a raspberry meringue pie. I highly recommend this item if you are headed out to stock up the shelves. It would go very well as dessert to that barbecued steak you will have this weekend. Then again, that is if its hot enough to barbecue!!!!!


Mosaic is underway in Regina as we head out to visit the different pavillions and soak in their culture. This means sales of Pepto-Bismol will be higher in Regina this weekend than any other as we not only soak in their culture, but chow down on their cuisine. Mixing the various ethnic dishes doesn't sit well with some stomachs. (This does not come from personal experience!!)


Speaking of culture, when is the next High Impact Wrestling card???


Have a great Friday!!!


  1. Anonymous6/05/2009

    Ah, Mitch, you ripped off the same commercial not long ago on your blog. So don't get mad or disgusted at CBC for doing the same thing. They just had a bigger budget to pull it off. If you can't recall it was whey you signed out "stay thirsty my friends". It is just another one of your little off handed hypocrisies that occur on a regular basis here.


  2. Anonymous6/05/2009

    No other pitcher will win 300 for a long time and the three you mentioned won't get there either because of their age. Maybe Tim Lincecum in San Fran, but he will need to play for a much better team than the Giants.

    Surely Parker can get something for Rowat. His time here is done. He is the Marc-Andre Fleury of the WHL. Lets in too many softies, yet will put a three game stretch together when he is unbeatable.

    Detroit will not win another game this season.


    PS: I hate the new HNIC music as well.

  3. Kimbo Slice, whether or not he's a legit threat as an MMA fighter, equals ratings. Two of his fights are the first and third most-watched MMA fights in the history of the sport. Having him on the show was a brilliant move by Dana. Chances are, his first fight won't come until late in the first round to ensure that he won't get eliminated from the competition early.

    Frankly, I'm surprised he agreed to it. He could have probably made decent money in some freak-show fights in Japan with hand-picked opponents.

  4. Anonymous6/05/2009

    Hey Chad

    Taking a line from a commercial or a TV show or whatever is fine, taking the WHOLE commercial, extending it way beyond what its supposed to be and doing a poor job of it is another thing. What colour is the sky in your world there big guy??

    Terry C

  5. Anonymous6/05/2009

    2 things:

    Kimbo Slice had hand picked opponents, and there was a subtle message the fix was in. Regardless this guy will be one of the first eliminated from Ultimate Fighter. That show is good, but predictable. Dana said they are looking for bad Mother Bleepers that want to fight anyone anytime. Look at the guys that have won the show or finished second from Forest Griffin to Michael Bisbing. The guys that get shown the door are guys like Kimbo. No skill, no work ethic, and no interest in learning the craft. He's also way to old.

    The HNIC intro which was a homage to the World's Most Interesting Man was in a word bushleague. Molson is a sponsor yet HNIC does an homage to Dos Equis beer. If I were Molson I'd be P.O'd. Most viewers did not pick that up, but if you are into pop culture then it was immediately noticeable. It was also immediately noticeable with how bad it was. HNIC has not had an original thought in decades. Hughson and Simpson are doing fine, and I enjoy the Hotstove. There is talent on the show, but it is held back by just crappola production values.

    Beyond that I miss TSN's coverage. It will not be long before CBC loses this, and it goes to TSN.


  6. Jordan6/05/2009

    Totally agree, the commercial isn't that bad because it's only 30/60 seconds.
    But when CBC extended it for almost 5 minutes???? Give me a break...
