
Sunday, June 7, 2009

A Motown Beatdown

So the Wings are old and the Wings are tired. That's what many said going into Game 5 of the Cup finals. Pittsburgh was going to skate right past this team and have the chance to clinch at home in Game 6. Those saying that should maybe hand in their credentials. Detroit reminds everyone just who is the champion and that the champion isn't going down as easy as one might think. They shook off a shaky start and beat Pittsburgh 5-0 meaning they lead the best of seven 3-2 with that 6th game going Tuesday.
While everyone offers their explanation as to what happened, here's mine. In the first couple of minutes, Evgeni Malkin looked like he was ready to skate around Detroit like he did in Game 4. About midway through the period, Malkin got run over in his own zone on a check by Pavel Datsyuk and Malkin wasn't the same again. He was thrown off his game, he took stupid penalties, and it allowed Detroit to concentrate on Crosby who also showed some immaturity with his game on this night. Mike Babcock is too good of a coach and Detroit is too experienced at this level. They will be skating around with the Cup Tuesday night.
Message to HNIC. If you are going to show fat boy opera singer doing the national anthem in Vancouver and OPP cop doing it in Ottawa, then please have the decency to keep the cameras on Karen Newman when she does her thing in Detroit. I don't think I am the only man making this request!!!
CFL training camps start today as all eight teams get going. You can get an overview of Rider camp from yours truly by checking out While on the site, you can also see two new commercials this year. Nice work!
I have to admit I was somewhat surprised to see the Bombers release quarterback Ryan Dinwiddie before camp even gets started. There is a comment on this blog about Dinwiddie wearing green. I'm not saying the Riders should dismiss that idea, but with four quarterbacks in camp right now, I'm guessing Dinwiddie won't be making a stop in Regina. I wouldn't be surprised to see him end up in BC or Montreal. Calgary is also an option.
Did Cypress Hills really get eight inches of snow. I can imagine there are some happy campers down in the southwest part of the province.
The Regina Red Sox are supposed to play Swift Current this afternoon at 2 at Currie Field. I'm guessing Mother Nature might have a thing or two to say about that game and whether or not it gets played. If they do get it in, it won't be a nice afternoon to eat seeds, drink beer and shoot the bull. However, if you can sit through the weather to watch the Riders do their thing on day one of camp, you can sit through the Red Sox game too.
I'm wondering if Sharks GM Doug Wilson knows what is happening. I caught Al Strachan, Pierre Lebrun and Scott Morrison with the "Hot Stove" segment on HNIC last night and I believe it was Morrison who said Wilson has stated he is happy with the way the team is positioned even though they had a massive playoff failure. Playoff failure---isn't that the mantra of the Sharks??? They've got a great team for 82 games, but the train comes off the tracks starting with Game 83 thanks to a lot of under-achievers. Wilson needs to weed those guys out or else it will be same old, same old. I also heard the trio say the Oilers are getting ready to present an offer to soon to be free agent goalie Dwayne Roloson. Is it not time to go out and get someone younger??? If Roloson comes back, it has to be as the backup and I'm sure he doesn't want to be that. I would love to see Steve Tambellini make a move with the Wild to get Josh Harding out of there. Josh deserves to be a starter in the NHL and I for one, would love to see him wearing the copper and blue.
The Toronto Star says it has the NHL's secret constitution and bylaws thanks to the Coyotes bankruptcy case. If you want to read it over that morning cup of coffee, find it here.....
I watched the movie "He's Just Not That Into You" after the hockey game Saturday night. What a man-bash that two hours is. I've seen better, but then again I've seen worse. It only made me wish there had been a UFC card on. Next Saturday!!
That's it for me. I gotta find some rain gear for Rider camp. YEESH!!!!

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