
Friday, June 5, 2009

Swimming In Cash

The Rider bank account looks very good these days. The team will announce at its annual general meeting they made a profit of 1.62 million dollars. This comes on the heels of a 2007 season in which they made 1.75 million. With season ticket sales at an all-time high and people clamouring to find their way to the stadium for a game or two while wearing something with the all too familiar /=S=/ on it, there is nothing to suggest at this time that a slowdown is coming. I have said it once and I will say it again, give the credit to president and CEO Jim Hopson. Since taking over the role, Hopson has helped change the culture of this team and change the perception of this organization. No longer can the Riders be considered a weak sister. Dare I say it, they are now the model franchise when it comes to the $$$$ that are rolling in. The AGM goes June 20.
After three days of rookie camp, its time for the vets to come in and start the two-a-days. They will begin Sunday. It will be interesting to see how many cuts the coaching staff makes. As good as it was to see Rider rookies doing their thing over the past three days, its time to see everyone now as we will see who makes the grade and who falls off. There will be some great positional battles. One bad day could mean one bus ticket out of town. Hard to believe that first pre-season game at home is just 2 1/2 weeks away and we are now under a month from the season opener. I wonder if there will be a frost warning on any of those nights. IS SUMMER EVER GOING TO GET HERE!!!!! (Sorry!)
Still with the Riders, they are getting ready to start selling retro uniforms from the 1960's. Check this out if you want one.......and I'm thinking many of you might.

I've got a question for you if you are a Blue Jays fan. Its something I've thrown around to a couple of people today that are Toronto fans. With Tom Glavine being released by the Atlanta Braves, should the Jays take a flyer and sign the 40 plus lefthander. I think Glavine still has something in the tank and would give Toronto a much needed experienced arm---and a left-handed one at that. If Shawn Marcum and Dustin McGowan were healthy and in the rotation, I would say no, but when that rotation has Ricky Romero, Scott Richmond and Brian Tallet in it, I say why not see if you can lure Glavine north of the border.
Speaking of the Jays, what has happened to Aaron Hill. The 2nd baseman was unconscious at the plate in April and May but when the calendar hit June, his bat became silent. Hill was 0 for 5 in a win over Kansas City Friday night. He is now hitless in 21 at bats. Despite the slump, he is still hitting well above 300. The Jays need him to find some hot lumber again...especially with Marcos Scutaro finding his hitting touch again after a brief slump.
One team will be 60 minutes away from the Stanley Cup after Game 5 ends tonight. Its been interesting watching the networks over the past few days and how they went from Detroit is just too good for Pittsburgh and the Penguins still have a long ways to go to compete with the Wings to those same people now saying the series is over in six with the Penguins getting the trophy. I don't think Detroit will get beaten four straight times by Pittsburgh. In fact, I think Detroit wins this one and wins Game 6---just like I called it.
Looks like the NHL on NBC will continue for a few more years. Its said the two are getting ready to announce an extension and may very well do it on the night of Game 6. Ratings for the NHL are up on both NBC and Versus this year. That's good for the league as a whole. If it could just fix its mess with teams in the southern half of the U-S, it would be beneficial for all teams and not just those facing financial shortfall.
I think the "Taking of Pelham 123" is a movie I will have to take in. It looks great. John Travolta as the bad guy though??? That will be interesting!!
Just once, I need to see this happen to someone at Global or CTV. C'mon Dan MacIntosh---I know it could be you!!!! Check this out!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6/06/2009

    I would give Glavine a shot. He knows what it takes to win and the Jays could have some pressure packed games against Boston and the Yankees in September. It wouldn't hurt. I'm sure his agent isn't even considering Toronto though.

    The Rider money train shows no signs of derailing anytime soon. All games should be sold out again this season and with the additional stands, that means more ticket revenue, more merchandise revenue, more food and beer revenue. You need to get on there full time my friend. Its not as if they don't have the cash.

    Chris G
