
Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Agree Or Disagree

ESPN's Rick Reilly is picking on Tiger Woods today. He doesn't like the way Tiger handles himself on the golf course. Take a read and then tell me if you agree or disagree with the behaviour of one Mr. Woods on the links.....


  1. Anonymous7/22/2009

    The column is accurate. The long and short of it is the man is and always has been a complete suck whole. What he considers courage, i.e., hurting his knee and having to come back is complete bullcrap. Hockey, Football, and Baseball players have been doing this for decades yet rarely get any mention of their courage. He plays against a field that is completely content to finish in second place, and then cash what is still a pretty good cheque. Roger Federer winning his majors through 6 hour marathon games is a lot more courageous than anything this turd does.


  2. He does need to calm down - and I've done stuff like that on occasion on the course...but, again, I'm not in front of millions of people, and someone thousands of kids look up to. Just my two girls...and that's calmed me down A LOT.

  3. Anonymous7/22/2009

    Obama, I thought we'd here from you on this one. Typical. This article is only accurate in the sense that a columnist is having a slow day so he went into his vault and pulled out a story to stir the soup. He is using things from 1997 to prove his point. Tiger "IS" golf if he has a bit of a temper so be it. It is a flaw and we all have them. Tiger doesn't say he has courage for overcoming his injury THE MEDIA does, cause they need the story, let his temper be. He is human. It is a personality flaw that tiger has just like you thinking you are always right (obama).


  4. Anonymous7/22/2009

    While I think Tiger sometimes goes over the top with his emotions, he at least isn't canned like so many athletes are now and isn't afraid to show emotion on the course. There's nothing wrong with showing emotion---its just as long as you don't go overboard. I don't think Tiger is guilty is that.


  5. Anonymous7/22/2009

    He IS golf couln't be more wrong. The guy that just finished second at the British Open I'm pretty sure inspired a few people along the way to pick up a club. The guy with 18 majors I'm sure did abit to inspire along the way too, and the list goes on. This guy is the bomb because the media tells us he is the bomb. I'm of the opinion that there were many more that came before him. His little tantrums are not becoming of a "champion". 13 years on tour you'd think he'd get his collective poop tight.


  6. Anonymous7/22/2009

    Obama, check the ratings when he is in and out of tourny's (majors excluded) He has brought a HELL of a lot more people to golf then anyone has in the past. YOU KNOW THAT IS TRUE, so just stop now for "ONCE" you are wrong. I am done talking to you and your better then everyone attitude.


  7. Anonymous7/22/2009


    Don't hate the playhah hate the game. You and your ilk end up talking/writing out of your asses, and I am the guy that has said enough. Do ratings go up? Yes they go up? Does that mean he IS golf no. Right now in baseball there are people that will say A-Rod IS baseball. You know what, Joe Mauer is doing pretty good in the backwaters of Minnesota. There are other people out there, and I outright refuse to bow down to that prick.

