
Saturday, July 4, 2009

Darian Durant/The Lost Art of Bunting

There is no denying the Rider Nation is a passionate bunch, but there are some who really simply need to give their head a shake. Despite the Riders win over B.C Friday, there are some who need something to complain about so they focus their attention on Darian Durant. The Rider quarterback is taking I think some needless heat today for his performance in the win. Yes, Durant did throw three interceptions, but one can not ignore that he also threw for over 300 yards which is an accomplishment in itself for a Rider quarterback.
There are some out there who still don't think Durant is the answer. Here's a reality check for those thinking that. Durant has started 5 whole games in his CFL career. 5!!! By the way, he is 5-0 in those games. I'm not going to go back and take a look at what other CFL greats did in their first five games, but I'm guessing guys like Warren Moon, Damon Allen, Anthony Calvillo, Dave Dickenson and Kent Austin didn't put up great numbers in their first 5 games. I know Henry Burris didn't and he is now considered the best in the game by many. A quarterback needs time to mature and develop. That is what the Riders are trying to with Durant. They realize and he realizes that he won't make the right decision each and every play, but they are willing to let him make a mistake and see if he can correct it on his own. Its called growing into the position. One thing I've always wondered about some Rider fans is what exactly do they want from their starting quarterback. If its 400 yard, 5 TD, 0 pick games then you are living in a fantasy world.
The Steve McNair story is a tragic one, and one that seems to be a little mysterious. I'm thinking we will be seeing McNair's dirty laundry getting aired out on this one. We're already starting to see that now.
The Blue Jays are successfully pissing away their playoff chances. Roy Halladay let them down today as he gave up three homers including a game-tying one to Johnny Damon in the 7th. They eventually lost to the Yankees in 12 innings. The Jays are a good team, but they simply aren't good enough to compete with the big boys in the AL East. That just keeps getting proven over and over again. In watching Saturday's game, Toronto had a great chance to win, but they failed to do something that you just don't see a lot of anymore in baseball. Raul Chavez started the 9th with a single to left bringing up leadoff man Marcos Scutaro. Scutaro can handle the bat, but manager Cito Gaston elected not to bunt. Is the leadoff man not the perfect man to square around and sacrifice the runner to 2nd. Why Gaston and other managers rarely put on the bunt play anymore is a mystery to me. Instead of moving the runner into scoring position with one out with Aaron Hill, Adam Lind and Scott Rolen coming up, Gaston elects for Scutaro to do his thing which he did---roll into a 6-4-3 double play thus killing Toronto's chances. Sportsnet's Rance Mulliniks then has the nerve to say it was a great at bat by Scutaro because he got it to a full count. WHO FRICKIN CARES!!! He rolled into a double play---there is nothing great about that at-bat. Maybe try bunting the guy over and it would have been fantastic especially if Hill, Lind or Rolen bring him home. Brutal, brutal baseball!!! As I said, Toronto isn't the only team that seemingly no longer has the bunt in their repertoire and I just ask why??
I'm watching this Chicago Blackhawks story with interest. If you haven't heard, the league is investigating an apparent mistake in qualifying offers that went out to several players including Kris Versteeg, Cam Barker and Troy Brouwer. It could mean these players affected become unrestricted free agents which would be disastrous for the Hawks as they would command much more on the open market than they should be getting now. Safe to say Versteeg and Barker would get a huge payday and its something that could rip a talented Hawks team apart. Stay tuned!!! I'm thinking someone gets fired over this.
Tommy Lasorda is a sex freak!!!! Apparently so if the claims in this book are true.....

Tommy Lasorda???!!!!
Is there anything grosser than the July 4th Hotdog Eating contest. Just watching video of this event makes me want to hurl. Joey Chestnut consuming a record 68 dogs in 1o minutes. He then is draped in the American flag while the Star-Spangled Banner is sung. If watching him eat didn't want to make you puke, the sight of that surely had to. What would compel anyone to do something like this??? Is there a sense of pride that goes along with this!! Why is ESPN even televising this event!!! I don't even want to know when these guys release these dogs from their body if you know what I mean. There's a real joke in here about guys ingesting wieners, but I will just leave that. Let it be known the blood flows through my lower lip as I would like to, but I will just let it float out.
If you didn't see Friday's pre-game show, go to and watch the Jason Clermont article. Very good piece.
Enjoy your Sunday!!


  1. Anonymous7/05/2009

    ok, Mitch, I'm writing this one down. You're hanging your hat on Darian Durant eh?

    Go right ahead. You'll be eating those words in a few weeks.

    The CFL game is all about protecting the football which Durant has yet to prove he can do.

    So you wanna be a "yes man" for the Riders and promote Durant?? Go right ahead buddy but I and everybody else sees right through it.

    But hey, at least you're a good company man. It might get you a few smiles but for those who read the blog they know you're just talking out of your ass so you don't lose your weekly column gig.

    You must hang out with "Do no wrong" Hadesback.

    To me, you're just a sunshine blower.

  2. Anonymous7/05/2009

    I agree and disagree on today's entry. I agree on you when it comes to bunting. Teams hardly do it anymore, but i think a lot of it has to do with the egos of players who would rather swing for the fences than do the right thing.

    I disagree on your Durant thoughts. I don't think we have any quarterback right now that can get us back to the GC. If it wasn't for the defence, BC would have beaten us worse than last year's WSF.


  3. Anonymous7/05/2009

    To the sackless wonder who is quick to criticize and unable to name himself, I say it will be you eating your words at the end of the year. Do you expect a quarterback with 5 games as a starter to be perfect? I guess you do. My biggest problem with DD was carrying the football like a loaf of bread when running with it, but he can be taught to stop that. I have way more confidence in Durant than I do Jyles and Bell and now according to RP, Cole Berquist. I remember a Labour Day here when Henry got booed out of the park because he made some "rookie" mistakes. Look at Henry now. If Durant is playing Burris type ball in 2-3 years, Riderville will be running high. Patience people....patience!!


  4. Anonymous7/05/2009

    Give Durant at least a half a season to see where he is and how he's progressing. 3 INT's concern me, but it was Game 1 of the season. If he's doing that in Games 6,7, 8 etc. etc.etc. then get someone else in there.

  5. Anonymous7/05/2009

    I say give Durant a shot at least. That's only fair, he has potential, so let's see what he can do. I know most people are just waiting for him to fail so they can just jump all over him and say "I told you so". What's wrong with being positive?


  6. Anonymous7/05/2009

    Ahhh...Mr. Anonymous at the top of the list is one of those who simply doesn't have a clue. He would like the carousel of quarterbacks to keep spinning and then blame it on Miller or something else. He, and many others, are simply clueless and that guy is gutless for not wanting to say who he is. He's just afraid you'll out him when Durant is playing well.

    Chris G

  7. Anonymous7/05/2009

    Quit worrying about Durant. He will be fine. He's not in the stratosphere that some other quartbacks in the CFL are, but he might be if handled right.

    I wish you were hanging out with Hadesbeck Mitch. That way you would be on the CKRM broadcast and make their presentation of Rider football that much better. Someone needs to wake up over there and bring you on board----for Pats season perhaps!!!!!!!

    Terry C

  8. Anonymous7/05/2009

    You want a name? John Smith. There, that's about the same anonymity that everyone rolls with on here. For Mitch just to spout off that everyone who questions DD is an idiot is way off base. He doesn't protect the football and his int to TD ratio is off the chart. Not to mention the consistency in fumbling we've seen.

    Me talking out of my ass sir? I don't think so. Had the Lions receiver made that catch with 20 sec to go than all of Rider Nation would be up in arms about the play of Durant. Yes, all that ends well is well but gimme a break Mitch, for you to say "give your head a shake" for those who question DD is WAY off base.

    On the football knowledge scale in this province Mitch, you're below the curve. That's sad considering you've worked in media and that you still write for the website.

    Mark my words, hanging your hat on Durant will be a grave mistake. I wish him the best and will cheer for him but we will get what we get - turnovers and a refusal to protect the ball. I'll be the first to remind you Mitch.

    John Smith

  9. Anonymous7/05/2009

    Come on people it was one game! And yes we know it was an ugly one, but have some faith in Durant. I have never in all my life met a bigger bunch of fairweather fans than Rider ones. We won the game, and for me that's all that counts. Give Durant a chance. I'm not saying Jyles is the answer, but Jyles can sure throw a long bomb, him and Clermont would work wonders if given a chance.

    Let's take it week by week for now. Ridernation so called "The Best Fans in the CFL" at this rate I's say the whiniest by FAR.


  10. Anonymous7/05/2009

    John Smith??? Why don't you just go by Jack Off!!!!!

