
Thursday, July 2, 2009

Jesse, Jesse, Jesse

Those who love the CFL and hate the NFL will tell you the NFL is boring. Those who say that should be forced to watch the Eskimos-Bombers game repeatedly. Yes, the weather conditions affected both teams, but Winnipeg and Edmonton put one on that won't be repeated on ESPN Classic anytime soon.

The game featured 25 punts--17 in the first half alone. It ended when Alexis Serna missed a potential game tying 47 yard field goal giving Edmonton a 19-16 win.

The big story in this game was Jesse Lumsden. If you had he wouldn't last the first quarter in the how long till he gets injured pool, then you are a winner. Lumsden re-injured his surgically repaired shoulder after getting hit on a screen pass by Siddeeq Shabazz. It looked quite painful as doctors tried to get the shoulder back into the socket. The severity of the injury is not known, but it looks as if once again Lumsden will miss a significant amount of time.

Lumsden is fast becoming the Eric Lindros of the CFL. He's a guy that has MVP talent, but he never gets the chance to display it consistently because of injury. This shouldn't surprise anyone, its just too bad for the Eskimos that he didn't last one quarter.

Two other things from this game. As much as I like Richie Hall, I absolutely hate his decision and the decision of any coach NFL or CFL including Ken Miller to call a timeout just as the kicker is about to do his thing. Hall did that last night and it worked perfectly as Alexis Serna made the first field goal and missed the second. I'm one of those guys that thinks taking that approach at the end of the game is bush. Its like calling for the illegal stick measurement in the last two minutes. Yes, its in the rule book, but I don't like it and I think calling it makes you look bad. Speaking of Serna, could the Bombers not have found another kicker in the off-season to replace this guy. Serna had Doug Berry tearing his hair out last year, and now Mike Kelly knows how he feels---albeit Mike has no hair to pull out.

Its only taken me three games to question the CFL command center and what they are seeing. In the 4th quarter, Ricky Ray hit Maurice Mann with a pass at the 12 yard line. Mann dove to catch the ball and with no Bomber touching him, he went into the endzone. The Bombers threw the challenge flag to see if Mann had caught the ball. If the refs didn't see a Winnipeg player touch Mann on the original play, surely they must have seen it in Toronto on the replay. NOPE!!! They said he was down by contact. ???????? That's pretty hard when there was no contact.

Back to Lumsden for one more point. While I'm not suggesting the team is trying to rush him back, this should show that Wes Cates should not play until it is absolutely certain that he is 100 percent. Nothing against Hugh Charles, but the Riders need number 20 at his best to be successful. He can't be at his best if he gets back in the lineup at less than 100 percent and re-injures that shoulder.


Its the Riders and the Lions tonight on the Mosaic turf. Here's what the Riders are saying going into the season opener.....

I find the comments of Jason Clermont to be very interesting. He is claiming this game has no special significance to it, but how can it not. Jason was told he was no longer needed by the team that he spent the first seven years of his CFL career with. He has to be coming in with a chip on his shoulder wanting to show Wally Buono that he still has a lot of good football in front of him. I am expecting Clermont to have a big night tonight. Here's hoping J-C lets his true feelings out after the game---especially if the Riders should come out with the two points.

I'm expecting a very good football team between the Lions and Riders tonight. Its one that could come right down to the last play. These teams respect one another, but they don't like one another. Both teams have been forced to fill some big holes and both teams still have some marquee players. While you could say it in just about every game, I think the play of the o-line will determine who wins this one. Both teams have a different look to them on the o-line meaning whatever team can protect its quarterback the best will likely walk off the field a winner.

I just saw the forecast for tonight. It must be time for a Rider home game because rain is scheduled.


I had to laugh at Jamie Nye on Thursday morning. My replacement at CJME(who is doing a damn good job) showed he's still a rookie on the Rider beat while converging with the rest of the media horde at the stadium. Jamie was in a state of disbelief when finding out that pizza and donuts are on the menu on pregame press conference day. ROOKIE!!!!! Maybe they didn't have that luxury in Edmonton when he was there. It didn't take him long to get right in there with everyone else though. By the way, congrats to Jamie for getting top billing on the sports show which has a new name.


The talk has started over the invites to Canada's mens hockey camp for the 2010 Olympics. Players like Spezza, Stamkos, Savard and Price were left off while guys like Cleary, Robidas, Marc Staal and Andy MacDonald were given invites. You can't argue with a lot of the guys on the list but as is the case anytime you do this, you do question some of the guys on it and some who are left off. At least that Crosby kid got an invite.
Tiger Woods went golfing with Tony Romo on Wednesday and Jessica tagged along. I'll let you decide the caption to this photo!!!!! Smile Tiger!!!!
As you know I am a Cubs fan. I will not be resorting to the tactics of this fellow Cub fan though.....
The Bud Light "Real Men of Genius" campaign was one of the best ad campaigns I have ever seen. Now there is video to these. Take a gander....
These are outstanding. As you pan down the list, tell me you can't name one or two people you know as candidates for these ads. I sure can!!!!
Enjoy the football game!!!!


  1. How is Marc Savard left off the invite list?

    In the post lockout era he's scored 97, 96, 78 and 88 Points. He can also be a physical force on the ice - yet Derek Roy and Andy McDonald get invites while he sits at home.


  2. Anonymous7/03/2009

    I was thinking the same thing as you regarding the NFL-CFL comparison. What a terrible football game. 2-2 at one point!!! Lumsden is turning out to be another Dominguez. He is a super talent that just can't stay healthy.

    I'm OK with what Richie did. Its called strategy. I can understand the "bush" comments, but I'm OK with it. JUST DON"T DO IT AGAINST THE RIDERS!!!!

    Riders by 10 tonight!!!! JC catches two TD passes. I would love it if he walked over and gave one of the balls to Wally.

    Terry C

  3. Anonymous7/03/2009

    As someone who LOVES Jessica Simpson. I say thank you!!!!

  4. Anonymous7/03/2009

    I had Lumsden at four games before he got hurt.
    Richie used the rulebook to his advantage, but I don't like the move. If Serna had missed the first one and hit the 2nd, and Winnipeg wins, Richie would be getting roasted today.
    How does Marc Staal get an invite?
    Does this mean the powers that be at CJME are finally waking up and getting rid of Remenda. I hope so. The guy knows hockey and nothing else. You and Jamie should do that show. I might become a fan again.
    I'm going to watch those commercials now.
    Riders 29 BC 24


  5. Anonymous7/03/2009

    Regarding the call in the Edmonton game. I believe the challenge was to see if he caught the ball. The announcer made it seem like it was to challenge the contact. Because the whistle was blown, you can't challenge the down by contact call.

    One pet peeve watching broadcasters - Foord, Bob Cole and John Wells included. Watch the replay! Nothing drives me nuts more then announcers go on an on about a call or play and its not reflective of whats happening on the field.

    My favorite was John Wells talking about an incomplete catch for a touchdown, meanwhile the teams are lining up to kick the convert!

  6. Anonymous7/03/2009

    I stopped listening to CJME and the sports show the day I found out they were stupid enough to let you go. Keeping clowns like Ray Morrison and Drew Remenda and telling you to hit the road shows the brainpower of whoever is in charge there.


  7. Anonymous7/03/2009

    Last nights game was tough for sure, but I wish I would have written down every stupid this the announcers said. I will take CFL over NFL any day, odds are that the CFL game will be good, and the NFL...well

    As for Lumsden, I figured he might make Labour Day, maybe now him and dad will admit he is a bit injury prone.

    As for CJME, Jamie is ok, but does not have the chemistry you and Remenda had, not even close. I still listen to the sports show from time to time, but only if Remenda is on.

    See you at the game tonight

  8. Anonymous7/03/2009

    In the words of herman Edwards, "You play to win the game". That is what Richie did last night. I have no problem with it. Well, OK the only problem I have is that a Winnipeg win would have meant Edmonton, BC and Calgary would all be 0-1 after Week 1 and the Riders would be 1-0.


  9. Anonymous7/03/2009

    Clermont is a professional all the way. He won't make a big deal about this game-even though its against his former team.

    If you know Jason that's just his nature. He is always 100% focused and ready to battle no matter who he plays. He just wants the "W"

  10. Anonymous7/03/2009

    Tiger is telling Tony he can have a couple of strokes if he can take Jess into the rough. MAMMA MIA!!!

  11. Anonymous7/03/2009

    Thank you for allowing me to waste my afternoon watching the RMOG ads.


  12. Anonymous7/03/2009

    Jessica Simpson's chest is soon going to need its own caddy.
