
Thursday, July 16, 2009

Week 3 Predictions

Another week of being 2-2 means I'm 4-4 going into Week 3. At this rate, Maggie the Monkey will be coming in to make these picks. Anyhoo....


I heard someone say this is a must win game for the Lions seeing they don't want to start the season at 0-3. Wally's teams have had rough starts before and they have bounced back so I don't know if I would classify a Week 3 game as a must-win. It is obvious though that this Lions team is not the same one that we have seen over the last number of years. I'm trying to figure out if the loss of Rob Murphy or the loss of Cameron Wake is the bigger one for B.C., because I don't think they really replaced either.
As for the Eskimos, they are going to give Arkee Whitlock a chance to redeem himself after his disastrous debut in Montreal. Whitlock needs to give Edmonton some kind of running game if they are to be successful. I'm not buying after what I saw last weekend. I will go with BC in this one in what should be an entertaining contest.


The Stampeders face the prospect of going 0-3 which would officially end the Grey Cup euphoria being felt. I don't buy this argument Glen Suitor gave last week about the Stamps not having their head in the game because they won last year. If that is the case, then give Ken Miller and the Rider staff last year some credit for not allowing their guys to have their head in the clouds starting 6-0. I'm thinking John Hufnagel went right back to square one with every facet of his club this week as they get ready for the Argos. As for Toronto, they need to be more disciplined. Kerry Joseph looks to be quite comfy in Bart Andrus' offence and the presence of Jamal Robertson gives them a nice mix. The question with the Argos might be how much did that 2nd quarter last week hurt their psyche. I am going with the Stampeders here in a game that will be close going into the 4th quarter.


Anthony Calvillo has picked up right where he left off in 2008 when he was named MOP. He has the best receiving talent in the league and Avon Cobourne is an extremely talented back who doesn't get the love that guys like Joffrey Reynolds and Wes Cates get. Their defence isn't bad either. I don't have to tell you about what the Riders have done in the first two weeks. If Saskatchewan is go to 3-0 this week, they will have to definitely win the time of possession battle. Calvillo will engineer scoring drives and it will be up to Darian Durant to equal what Calvillo does. Its going to be a Saturday afternoon scorefest at Mosaic with both teams finishing in the 30's, but in the end I think the team that has the 1 under their loss column is the home team. I can't pick the Riders every week!!!!!


This game interests me just for the fact you have two teams coming off big and I think unexpected wins. What happened last week was a real confidence boost for both. The question now is what team rides the momentum and leaves Ivor Wynne with a 2-1 record. Winnipeg has always had a tough time of it in Hamilton and I think the Spygate saga will give the Tabbies some extra motivation. I'll take Hamilton (GULP!!)


  1. Anonymous7/16/2009

    Shame on you taking the Alouettes. You won't be writing many more stories for the Riders if you keep that up. Just kidding. You're right, you can't take them every week. I think they can win, but it will be tough.

    Keep up the good work!


  2. Anonymous7/16/2009

    BC is bad and they go to 0-3 tonight. I hate to agree with you on the Rider game but I don't know if they can beat them on Saturday. Besides, I'd rather have them beat the Als on Grey Cup Sunday!!!


  3. Wow Mitch, way to think with your head! I'm like you, I want the boys to win, but sometimes it's not going to happen.
