
Friday, August 21, 2009

It Won't Be That Bad

I don't know if the Riders believe in bulletin board material or not, but if they do, they may want to go to the blog of Montreal Gazette Alouettes reporter Herb Zurkowsky. Zurkowsky, who might be the best beat writer in the CFL now that Darrell Davis is gone, believes the Alouettes will win tonight's game 55-5. I doubt as if Herb is serious and I doubt as if the outcome will be anywhere near this, but I would like to see a copy get attached to the Riders dressing room door.


  1. Anonymous8/21/2009

    What a ridiculous statement! Miller should bring this up before the guys come out tonight, although I'm sure they've heard about it.
    Vanstone picks the Riders to lose tonight too, but not by 50.


  2. Anonymous8/21/2009

    Pfft, like the Riders care about what some paper guy says. You guys (you included even though you don't work in media) take yourself way to seriously. No one cares about that stuff except the media itself. Hence why you're re-posting his crap. Posting it on the wall, gimme a break!

    Get over yourselves!
