
Saturday, August 15, 2009

It's Over!

Yes, there will be golf at the PGA Championship near Minneapolis today and tomorrow, but who's kidding who, it's over. I don't know if they engrave the winners name on the Wanamaker Trophy, but if they do, they can start putting Tiger's name on it. He will not lose. He is three strokes ahead of everyone else going into the 3rd round. ESPN's Jason Sobel is trying to keep the excitement up though. He is trying to find something to give us a reason to watch this weekend just in case Tiger should slip up. He is trying to add some drama to a story that is basically already over. He has these four reasons why Tiger won't be holding the trophy around the time the Riders and Ti-Cats kick off....

1. Someone else gets hot. The fivesome in a share of second place includes three major champions and five very good players. It's not entirely inconceivable that Vijay Singh, Padraig Harrington, Lucas Glover, Ross Fisher or Brendan Jones could post a pair of 68s while TW goes 70-71 for the final two rounds
2. Things get ugly off the tee. Stephen Ames once said of Tiger's game before getting waxed in the opening round of the WGC-Accenture Match Championship, "Anything can happen, especially where he's hitting the ball." Though it was construed as an insult, there was some truth to the statement. When Woods is playing from the rough, he's beatable.
By the same token, when he is able to keep the ball in the short stuff, he's almost unbeatable. So far this week Woods is hitting 75 percent of the fairways -- 12 of 14 in Round 1; 9 of 14 in Round 2 -- nearly 14 percentage points higher than his season average entering the week.
We've seen that driver get crooked at times this year, though. If it happens over the weekend, meaning Woods is forced to play more shots from the rough than in the opening two rounds, we could see a player scrambling to make pars as opposed to putting for birdie so often.
3. Another major disappointment. At this year's Masters, Kenny Perry was primed to become the oldest player to win a major … and lost to Angel Cabrera in a playoff. At the U.S. Open, sentimental stories Phil Mickelson and David Duval were in the mix … but neither could climb past Lucas Glover. At the British Open, Tom Watson was writing a story for the ages … until Stewart Cink flew past him in extra holes.
No offense to our current trio of major champions, but it's largely been a year filled with disappointment for the masses. If the majority of fans are rooting for Tiger to triumph here at Hazeltine, could it be a fourth consecutive letdown this season? If so, the golf gods must be angry.
4. Illness or injury. OK, so if this entire exercise can be considered grasping at straws, then I just drew the short one in trying to explain away this one. Then again, you never know …
Scratch that. This is a guy who has won tournaments while playing on a torn ACL and while vomiting because of food poisoning. He's what they'd call a "gamer" in other sports. I'll go out on a limb and say that if Tiger contracts a case of the sniffles over the weekend, he'll suck it up and play some golf.

So, there you go. Four ways -- well, three ways, really -- Tiger Woods could lose the PGA Championship after holding a 4-stroke lead with 36 holes to play. Do I think any of 'em is gonna happen? Nope. Uh-uh. No way!

At least he is being honest at the end.
Do you think Rider fans are hoping Sunday's round doesn't go long. Then again, it may not matter. If you are wondering why the kickoff of the game isn't till 5, look no longer than the PGA Championship and TSN's coverage of it. There is no way TSN will come to Mosaic Stadium until Tiger has put that last putt down on the 72nd and final hole or the playoff hole. (What is the playoff format for the PGA??)As it was last night, they abandoned Tiger on 18 and went to the BC-Toronto game which was five minutes old by the time we started watching. That won't happen Sunday. Then again, I have heard nothing about a sellout meaning this game might be the first one in a long time that has been blacked out around here so those thinking they can tune it in may have to listen to Rod and Carm. That's not a bad option, but still.
Smart move by the Riders having their quarterbacks and receivers play with wet balls at the end of practice on Friday. It may be weather that only a duck will love on Sunday. What's a summer Rider game without rain right?
Kerry Joseph's career took one further step towards ending last night. Cody Pickett looked alright for the Argos even though they lost. Pickett threw for 326 yards and a TD as the Argos lost 36-28 in a game they led throughout until the final 30 seconds. Toronto's problem was they had to settle for 3 instead of 7 as Justin Medlock kicked 7 field goals. Medlock has missed just one field goal this year in 18 attempts and that miss was a 57 yarder that hit the upright on the last play versus Winnipeg. The only reason he had to try it from 57 was because of a penalty because he had nailed it from 47. Note to Calgary mouthpiece Sandro De Angelis, you are not the best kicker in the CFL anymore.....although you weren't before either. Getting back to K-J, I have to wonder if the Argos will keep him around. If they get rid of him before Labour Day, they can save some money. I know some have suggested Joseph return to Saskatchewan, but its not going to happen.
I could tell you to stay thirsty my friends, but looking outside, I think its more apropo to say "Stay dry my friends".

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