
Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Proof That Tiger Is Bigger Than The PGA Tour

An interesting story is developing on the PGA Tour surrounding Tiger Woods. Even though he won the WGC event this past weekend, Tiger was quite critical of Tour officials for saying he and Padraig Harrington were taking too long. Tiger even confirmed that the warning they received had a major part in the blow-up Harrington had giving Tiger the easy win. On Monday, the PGA said Woods would be fined for his comments on what had happened. Today, Tiger said he wasn't getting any fine for his statements.
Here's what I'm thinking. Tiger was told he was going to be fined and Tiger put it right back in their face saying he would not pay. What's the PGA going to do??? They certainly don't risk alienating the guy that has made the PGA popular?? Its already common fact that people don't watch if Tiger isn't involved and that tournaments where he doesn't play doesn't get the attention it perhaps should(ie: The Canadian Open). Tiger's appearance at a tournament guarantees TV ratings and success. The PGA doesn't dare tick him off. It could be disastrous for golf if he decides to change his attitude a little bit and do what he wants to and not what the PGA muckety-mucks want.
I'm not the biggest Tiger fan, but I do watch him. Watching in hopes that I will see him do what Harrington did on Sunday. However on this one, I side with Tiger. PGA officials were way off base with what they did Sunday and if he wants to beak off about it, I have not got a problem with it. I only wonder what he would have said had it been him who gassed it and not Harrington.

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