
Sunday, August 16, 2009


How about your Saskatchewan Roughriders! They know you are wet and they know you are cold as you sit in the stands cheering them on. They go in the dressing room at half-time and see that you need to get a little hot under the collar to get you warmed up so they blow a 23 point lead before coming back and winning. A caring bunch are they not??

I joked to CKRM's Joe Hadesbeck when it was over that had the Riders lost Sunday night that Taylor Field might have burned down had it not been for the fact that the wood was wet. Joe responded by saying they would have found a way. He's right!!

Here's the post-game wrap-up...

Players that deserve a shout-out include John Chick and Mike McCullough on the defensive side of the ball. Chick was the player we all know and love making life miserable for the quarterback while McCullough showed he is more than capable of being our middle linebacker when given the chance. Some remember he was the starter when Trevis Smith's problems surfaced and that he only lost the job to Mo Lloyd because of injury. On the offensive side of the ball, Darian Durant didn't have stellar numbers, but I thought he was very composed in the pocket and with the exception of one bad throw he perofrmed very well. Wes Cates was the Wes Cates of old as maybe, just maybe he is now 100 percent after that shoulder problem and Jason Clermont finally got into the offence and may now just be starting to make his mark.

I am still concerned with the fact that special teams play is far from special and that the 3rd quarter remains to be nightmarish, but in the words of Darian Durant--"A win is a win. We aren’t going to dwell on what happened in the 2nd half. We’re just going to celebrate this victory and come back tomorrow to start getting ready for Montreal." I have a bad feeling in my gut that when you combine the short week with a long road trip out East that it won't be a banner trip to Le Belle Province, but you've got to play the game and see how everything falls. Remember, you wake up this morning knowing your favourite football team is in first place with a record of 4-3. Many of you didn't believe this team was one that would be in first seven games into the season. There is still a long ways to go, but in a CFL where not much is separating top to bottom, you've got to be happy with where this team is at.
I admit I didn't know who Y-E Yang was until Saturday afternoon when he started to climb up the leaderboard. I'm guessing a lot of you didn't know who he was either, but you know now who he is. Yang did the improbable on Sunday. He came out the winner in a head to head duel with Tiger Woods. It has many asking now "Did Yang win the PGA Championship or did Tiger lose it?" I think Yang won it. Going head-to-head with the world's best golfer, Yang did not lose his focus and did not wobble any. In fact it was him who had the big shot with his chip in for eagle on 14. That's the shot Tiger is supposed to make, but this time he didn't. When Yang put his approach on 18 to within 8 feet, you knew it was over and it wouldn't be Tiger holding the trophy aloft. I don't know about you, but I found the result to be refreshing. Everyone, including me, thought when Tiger led after 36 holes that it was fait accompli and that the weekend would just be window-dressing to another title. NOPE!!
You had to feel sorry for Padraig Harrington. For the 2nd straight week, he watched his chance at a win disintegrate on one hole. Harrington making golfers like you and me feel good when he butchered his way to an 8 on the par 3 8th. OUCH!!
Usaim Bolt runs the 100 metres in 9.58 seconds!!!!! Holy crap!!! That isn't just breaking the old world record---that' s obliterating it. Bolt says he can be quicker yet and feels that a 9.4 second run isn't out of the question. I can't see it. I really don't know how much lower you can get this to. If someone is going to do it though, you would have to bet on Bolt.
Is it just me or as a Jays fan, do you cringe whenever Brandon League comes out of the bullpen? The guy does not make one feel secure. He comes into the game against Tampa yesterday to start the 8th with the contest tied at one and a couple of batters later, he is giving up a grand slam to Geoff Zaun thus giving the Rays a win. SIGHHHHH!!!!
I received an e-mail from Pats media man Dan Plaster saying the team is available for interviews tomorrow as they get ready for training camp. Is it really time for the Pats and the rest of the WHL to get going again???.
One other thing. If you get a chance, listen to Jamie Nye's interview with Vinnie Iyer of the Sporting News from Friday night's Sportsnight with Jamie Nye on CJME. The guy who's trying to replace me(and you're doing a good job of it young man) talked to Iyer about Michael Vick and his new employer--the Philadelphia Eagles. Its a good few minutes of radio.


  1. Character win for the team. Durant was able to do something he's been struggling with...production. Was nice to see the guys fight back after losing the 23 pt lead. The weather was a nice assistant too!!! Good call to have the wind in the 4th!!

    Wow, now Tiger knows what it is like to lose after leading. Never thought I see it happen in my lifetime, but "a chipmunk falls out of the tree some of the time" LOL.

  2. Anonymous8/17/2009

    What exactly does this team do at half-time? Do they get exfoliating body wraps or what? Does Miller get all the team's kids together and read them a story. They just suck in the 3rd quarter. Yeah, the wind was blowing in their face, but get at least a couple of first downs. It would have been one ugly week had they lost that one. They didn't, but there are still some major areas of concern.


  3. Anonymous8/17/2009

    Hey Mitch:
    Did you see the fan come onto the field yesterday and "talk" with the ref. Funny stuff!! Nice security!!!

    Kavis Reed and his special teams philosophies can be put in the trash bin. Get Alex Smith back in that role.

    Loved seeing Clermont get some catches. With Clermont, Getzlaf and Bagg in there, I could care less if Fantuz heads East. I'd rather see him get traded then lose him via free agency though.

    Tiger's losing was good for golf. He doesn't have to win every time he's in the last pairing. I wonder if he realized that as the round went on that more people were against him than for him.

    Pats season is about a month away my friend. Are you and kelly Remple doing games on Access again this year. Hope so!!

    If I listened to Jamie Nye's interview, I'd have to listen to Jamie Nye. Sorry Mitch, I haven't listened to that show since you left. Management there must have really had their head up their you know what. All the other guys out at Evraz feel the same way.

    Nice Riderville story!


  4. Anonymous8/17/2009

    John Chick should be defensive star of the week. This is the John Chick we get every week when he is not hurt. Here's hoping the injury bug stays away from him. He has the chance to be the best defensive end in the game if he stays healthy.

