
Saturday, August 1, 2009


How about that game Rider Nation!!! Be honest now, how many of you thought it was game over when Luca Congi bounced that 26 yard field goal off the uprights. I'm raising my hand!

I said last week that Edmonton's win after being down 22-0 may have perhaps saved their season, and I'm thinking the same thing can apply to the Riders. Here was a team that had been beaten soundly and appeared to perhaps be on the cusp of losing their 3rd straight when Darian Durant hit Chris Getzlaf for a 65 yard TD pass. That was followed by two much needed stops by the defence and all of a sudden this team is riding high. Edmonton followed up their big win with a win over Montreal so we will see how the Riders react to this one next weekend in Vancouver. If you missed that play, here it is. Thanks for getting it to me Glen!!

The play of the quarterbacks was great. Head coach Ken Miller created a lot of debate with his decision to sit Darian down for Steven Jyles and that debate only intensified when Jyles led the team down the field on a nice drive to end the first half only to be replaced by Durant. I thought Durant played what might have been his best game of the year, and when a big play was needed, he orchestrated it by threading the needle with a perfect pass to Getzlaf.

Gene Makowsky's presence on the o-line was huge. He helped open holes for Wes Cates, who was the Wes Cates that Miller say we know and love, and he helped give some added protection to the quarterbacks.

The defence still has some problems stopping the run, but when the chips were on the table, they came up big. I thought Donovan Alexander had a rough night, but he made the big play at the end.

How lame was Hank's TD dance? What exactly was that? Is he auditioning for So You Think You Can Dance Canada Part 2? That was LAME!!

Who does Dwight Anderson think he is? I just shake my head at this guy.

Bottom line is the Riders are tied for first with the Eskimos at 3-2 and a lot of people ---even the most ardent of Rider fans--didn't think that would be the case. I'll have to go back and check, but I think I was 0-4 this week on my picks. Oh well!!!

I thought the cheapest shot of the night came courtesy of TSN's Chris Schultz before the game. Was I wrong or did I hear the big man say that Miller is too nice and that if they lose this game, they should perhaps look at replacing Miller. C'mon Chris!!! That's the first extremely ridiculous thing I think I have ever heard you say. I think Miller and the team should be highly insulted by that statement. If I took it in the wrong context, than I apologize, but suggesting Miller be replaced is just insane.
Memo to self: Don't watch again this year when Toronto plays Winnipeg. It was bad enough last week in Winnipeg when these two teams played and it was no better one week later in Toronto. You gotta feel bad for the Argos though. Justin Medlock nails a 47 yard field goal in the final minute only to have it called back because of a time count penalty. That time count penalty is worth 10 yards in the final 2 minutes so it meant Medlock had to try it from 57 and he hit the upright. That's gotta leave a mark! Michael Bishop was less than impressive and Kerry Joseph had it rough throwing 4 INT's, but two of them were the fault of his receivers.
NFL training camps are underway and I found it interesting that Ben Roethlisberger apologized to his Steelers teammates before getting camp going. Roethlisberger apologizing because of the sexual assault claim that has been laid against him. Those that know me know I do not like the Steelers, but there was no reason for Roethlisberger to apologize and his teammates told him that. From everything we are hearing, Big Ben is the victim here. It seems this woman has fabricated this story right from the get go for whatever reason and it is Roethlisberger that has to go through this. Big Ben isn't the first man to be wrongly accused of a sexual crime and he won't be the last. It would seem to me as if his accuser didn't get what she wanted, so now she is going to try and make an issue out of it. I've seen this story before and so have you.
While its obvious something happened in Kobe Bryant's Colorado hotel room, it wasn't what we were originally told and it sounds here like nothing happened in Roethlisberger's Lake Tahoe hotel room, but someone is trying to make it sound like there was. This story and Roethlisberger's accuser just needs to go away or something needs to come out that shows some kind of guilt on the hands of the Pittsburgh quarterback. I'm not seeing that. I'm not even seeing womens groups defend his accuser. That should tell you something.
Today's the last day of the Exhibition. Get out your Hammer Pants. Tonight is the night MC Hammer takes the stage. I just can't do it. Many will, but I can't see myself dragging my butt back to the Ex to see Hammer. Sorry MC!


  1. Time for the CFL to impose some SERIOUS fines for TD dances, like the one Burris displayed. Was nice to see him have to eat crow!

  2. Anonymous8/02/2009

    That should silence the Durant detractors for a week. He was outstanding, but yes having a healthy Geno back there helped a lot. It was nice to see Cates and Clermont get involved and having Getzlaf contribute was outstanding. If Fantuz wants to go back to southern Ontario after this year, we are set with Getzlaf there.

    I'm still concerned about the D though.


  3. Anonymous8/02/2009

    Hank should come back to Regina and see if Hammer needs another dancer or two tonight. What was that????


  4. Anonymous8/02/2009

    That dance looked like he was playing for White Goodman's team in Dodgeball. I agree with Scott, he should be one of Hammer's dancers tonight. You need to work on that one Hank.
    Speaking of idiots, it was a tough field goal to make but seeing de angelis blow a chance at a certain victory made the win that much sweeter.


  5. Anonymous8/02/2009

    Huge win for the Riders. It might be one that is the difference between 1st and 2nd at years end.
    Darian silenced the doubters for a few days
    Getzlaf was huge
    Dressler was huge
    Cates was huge
    Williams was huge


  6. Anonymous8/02/2009

    The Riders win a game and all is well in Ridernation? Oh give me a break was anyone else watching the same game as me? It was beyond ugly! Our D looked brutal. Not to mention LaPolice and his bad play calling can hit the road. Also is Durant our saviour now-well for this week anyway? Wow if people think he's the answer then they don't know football one bit. Miller is more like a Grampa then he is a wise football coach. End of story,

  7. Anonymous8/02/2009

    What game were you watching Mr. Anonymous. Yes the D still had problems shutting down the run, but when they needed stops in the 4th quarter they got them. Lapo had a much better game plan this week as they utilized Cates and all the receivers again. Durant and Jyles were great and Miller didn't do anything stupid. You obviously weren't watching the same game many of us were or you were too drunk to actually see what was happening.

