
Monday, September 14, 2009

Best and Worst Of The Weekend

Best-DUH!!! The 55-10 pasting of the Bombers

Worst---That the Riders had to settle for 6 Congi FG's. It could have been 70. That would have been sweet!!

What was yours??? Let me know.

One NFL item and its not a good one if you are a Chicago Bears fan. Brian Urlacher is done for the season after undergoing wrist surgery today. Urlacher was hurt in the 2nd half of last nite's season opening loss to the Packers. OUCH!


  1. Anonymous9/14/2009

    Best-The Rider game without a doubt

    Worst-That Edmonton couldn't hang on against Calgary. Seeing the Stamps lose is always a good thing.


  2. Anonymous9/14/2009

    Best - Watching and getting to Guest Coach for the Mosquito Division Fall Ball Program run by Baseball Regina out of Lions Park on Saturday. If you have a child that is a Ball Player this is without question thee best kept secret in Regina. A 5 week season played on Saturdays. Guaranteed 2 games. The Red Sox do clinics before the games begin. The focus is on development and fun. It's awesome. A huge credit goes to Leo and Jean MacDonald for developing this program which is now in it's fourth year.

    Worst - Getting home to late Sunday afternoon, hence missing the start time of the Riders game. Realizing the tire on the Truck in the garage is flat, and then having to change it making me miss even more of the game. When I finished I had to get supper ready so I had to listen on Radio which was fine, but I would have like to view it. I couldn't listen to the post game as much as I would have liked as I was late getting supper made.


  3. Anonymous9/14/2009

    Best-The first weekend of the NFL

    Worst0Now having to find a way to watch CFL and NFL on a Sunday.


  4. Best- Riders winning

    Worst-having to work at a job while the game is on. Who in their right mind has their business open when a Rider game is on?
