
Monday, September 21, 2009

Best And Worst Of The Weekend

What was the best thing you saw this weekend on the sporting stage and what was the worst thing?
For me, the best thing was seeing the Giants beat the Cowboys to spoil the home opening of Dallas' new stadium. Anytime the Cowboys lose and they show Jerry Jones in a state of disbelief is money to me. HA HA
The worst-----if you're a Rider fan, I think you know. Maurice Mann's TD catch with 90 seconds to go.

Lemme know what yours were.


  1. Anonymous9/21/2009

    Best-Winning 305 on proline yesterday thanks to the Cardinals and the Redskins-Rams tie.

    Worst-Sitting through the Flames-Islanders game Saturday having not heard of 90 percent of those playing.

  2. Anonymous9/21/2009

    The best thing was being back at the Brandt Centre watching hockey. Yes, it was a loss, but its hockey.

    The worst thing was hearing continuous reports that Jordan Eberle is staying in Edmonton. That is not good news if you're a Pats fan.

  3. Anonymous9/21/2009

    Best-Ommarr Morgan running it 108 yards to the house

    Worst-Omarr Morgn not covering Mann and losing to Edmonton :(

  4. Anonymous9/21/2009

    Best-The Washington Huskies beating USC on Saturday. I have some connections with UW, so I follow them quite closely, even when they were 0-12 last year.

    Worst-While I would like to say it was the end of the Rider game, it was the fact the Patriots lost to the Jets. Not good.


  5. Anonymous9/21/2009

    Not being in school for a very long time and going back. It resembled that show "Community" that is on after "The Office". I did very well. Maturity and life experience make the theory part seem so easy to understand now. We should all go back to University or SIAST in our mid 30's.

    I missed the Riders Game as I was in class. I missed the Preseaons NHL game with my family as I had to go to class the entire weekend. I missed hearing Phil Kessel was traded to the Leafs. Now I get to watch him underachieve in Toronto like the Boston fans were able too. I missed everything having to do with the 48 hours that covered Saturday and Sunday.


  6. Anonymous9/21/2009

    Best-Shannon Sharpe's arrival in Denver for his induction to the club's hall of fame. He came in on a parachute. Why didn't the Plaza inductees do that?? Can you imagine Norm Fong coming into Mosaic on a parachute!

    Worst-Baltimore's Kelley Washington and his endzone dance after scoring a TD against the Chargers. Find it if you can.


    PS: Why isn't Winnipeg in your poll question!!!

  7. Anonymous9/21/2009

    The best second week of the NFL season.

    The worst seeing Matt Hasselbeck injured on a gutsy play on the San Fran goal line.

  8. Anonymous9/21/2009

    Flavio Briatore banned for life from F1. So long, Flava cheating piece of garbage. (great fun to watch that talentless coattail hanger Nelson Piquet Jr. both destroy you and himself in one pathetic swipe)

    Riders special teams blow it again.

    Honourable mention for worst...BC's timekeeper, the real '13th Man'.


  9. Anonymous9/21/2009

    The best part of the weekend was seeing Tony Romo crap the bed against the Giants. I'm a huge Giants fan so to see them ruin the Dallas home opener was outstanding.

    The worst part was when the Riders were paying tribute to the young man that played for the Rams who was killed and fans were doing the wave. CMON!!!


  10. Anonymous9/21/2009

    Best: Not having to listen to CJME all weekend. Just like every other weekend.

    Worst: Forgetting the bathroom radio was set to CJME this morning.

  11. Anonymous9/21/2009

    Worst CFL officiating. We cant get respect with these jokers officiating a game. Look at missed facemasks, holds, pass interferences and time clock issues in all the games.

    Best was the NFL upsets. A league that has parity all through it and the players indicate the outcome not an official. This is what makes the NFL much better.


  12. Anonymous9/21/2009

    Worst thing was seeing Maurice Mann so wide open

    Best thing was the opening to Sunday Night Football. How good is Faith Hill looking in that!!!!

    peter dalla riva
