
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Bring On The Noise

With the Riders being in B.C. Friday night, it meant one thing. Yes, it was time to dust off that crowd noise of the 90 CD. Whether it be Metrodome 96, Taylor Field 93, Rose Bowl 99 or whatever, there were speakers along the sideline so that the Riders could practice with simulated crowd noise.
Chris Szarka got his political campaign off on the right foot by having all the media to speak to.(even the great Wayne Mantyka showed up albeit too late)Luca Congi also had the fair share of media attention after signing a contract extension(see below). All in all, the football team is in good spirit as they head to Vancouver for Friday's game against the Lions.
Why didn't anyone ask Szarka if he'll change his number to 10 if he wins the election?

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