
Friday, September 11, 2009

CFL Overtime Sucks Too

I sat here and beaked about the NFL overtime system last night and how it needs an overhaul and should be something like the CFL. Upon further review, the CFL needs to overhaul its system too.
The Ti-Cats and Argos went to extra time last night, but each team starts at the 35 yard line. They are already in field goal position when they get the ball. I don't know about you, but I would see nothing wrong with the team taking possession at midfield or even their own 45 yard line. Make them get a couple of first downs before they decide on kicking the field goal. Make it tougher to score in the overtime. Yeah, you want to get the game done quickly and I understand that, but make it a little tougher on the offences instead of basically coming out and kicking a field goal right away because they can. By the way, Toronto won the game 25-22.
Was that the University of Alabama on the Commonwealth grass last night. The Stampeders helmets looked a lot like Alabama's as both teams went retro. Both teams also tried to duplicate their last game in Edmonton as this one was a lot better than Monday's with the Stampeders prevailing in the end by a score of 35-34. Edmonton really blew this one as they were up 13 in the 4th. Take nothing away from Henry Burris though as he remained composed throughout. By the way, the West nominee for MOP right now---Jermaine Copeland.
Has Jason Clermont pulled one over on everyone? Jason twittered that he was going to be a healthy scratch for Sunday's game in Winnipeg. However, the roster that was e-mailed to me shows Clermont backing up Chris Getzlaf in the slot with the only change from the Labour Day Classic being Neal Hughes coming on for Johnny Quinn. I guess we will find out Sunday just what is happening and if indeed Jason is one up on all the reporters. If you can't trust Twitter, what can you trust now?
Tough one for the Rams. They lose 10-9 in the last minute to the Huskies in Saskatoon. I didn't hear the game, but it sounded like a defensive struggle with the U of S getting their act together in the end as they get the winning touchdown with just over a minute to go.
So Pepsi wants Canadians to deliver some kind of sporting anthem that will hopefully be used at the Vancouver Olympics. I'll be interested to see how this turns out.
Michael Jordan had a great quote on Friday just hours before being put in the Basketball Hall of Fame. The greatest player to ever play the game was asked about who is the next Michael Jordan. His answer --Don't be in such a rush to find the next Michael Jordan because there never will be another Michael Jordan. Love that!


  1. Anonymous9/12/2009

    Huskies got lucky tonight...Go Rams!

  2. Anonymous9/12/2009

    I would say start overtime at midfield and make the offence get at least one first down if not two for a solid field goal chance.

  3. Anonymous9/12/2009

    If Clermont is on the depth chart, why would he say he's not playing? There's no depth chart on the Rider site yet. If he says he's not playing, I tend to believe him.


  4. Anonymous9/12/2009

    CFL overtime does suck, but at least both teams touch the ball which makes it better than the NFL.

    DAMN I HATE CALGARY! Did you see how Suitor kissed up to Hank all night long after his "respect" comments last night. It made me nauseous.

    In the LP this morning, McCormick writes that Clermont never answered any messages left for him. Is it because he's bitter or is it because he knew he was playing and didn't want to have to change the story.

    Can Team Canada adopt Green is the Color if we re-write the words a little?


  5. Anonymous9/12/2009

    Technically, you are right because Clermont is on the roster. However, I would assume if Jason is saying he is a healthy scratch is he is going and will be one of the guys on the 46 man roster and will be scratched one hour to game time. If for some reason, Andy's hamstring acts up on him than they can scratch him and add JC.
    I think that is how it works. I think thats the only way they can do it because if they put him on the injured list, he misses more than one game and if he goes to the practice roster, he could get snagged by another team.

    Hope that helps


  6. BT, you might and probably are right on that. I never considered that. That whole 46 man/42 man thing still confuses me. Thanks!
