
Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Best And Worst Of The Weekend

An extra day to weigh over everything ,and there were some great games on the holiday Monday to watch. What was the best thing you saw in the sporting arena this weekend and what was the worst thing? For me

The best--watching the Seahawks just demolish the Jaguars on Sunday. Although Chicago coming back from a 5-0 deficit to beat the Flames was pretty sweet too.

The worst--Dressler's injury.

As always, I want to know what your best and worst was. Comment away!


  1. Anonymous10/13/2009

    Best-Burris shits the bed again
    Worst-The Denver Bronco uniforms. Those made those Seahawk uniforms look somewhat tolerable.


  2. Anonymous10/13/2009

    Best-laughing at everyone who got so bundled up for the Rider game. It wasn't that bad and it could have been worse

    Worst-Sportsnet's lame coverage of the baseball playoffs. I have no idea what channel the games are on and I was at the in-laws yesterday and couldn't find the Phillies-Rockies game on SNW. That's brutal!


  3. Best - a Rider victory always makes it a good weekend but what i really enjoyed was watching the Dolphins' offence put on a show on Monday night.

    Worst - Dressler's injury and the fact that we didn't have Thanksgiving dinner at our house so we missed out on left-overs. Booo!

    Chris Pollock

    Chris Pollock

  4. BEST -- seeing Montreal take apart Burris. Sweet.

    Worst -- seeing for the first time Weston Dressler cringe. Once I saw that I knew it was bad.

  5. Anonymous10/13/2009

    Best: Riders victory combined with the whining from Henry and hearing about dissention in the Stampeders locker room

    Worst: Denvers uniforms, the Bills/Browns game and Dresslers injury. All 3 made me wnat to toss my lunch.


  6. Anonymous10/13/2009


    Spending time with my family. Decent Saturday night. My Leafs got hammered ergo I ended up getting hammered on Coronas, but the Riders won so it all worked out. The Oilers look like a decent team that will make the playoffs.


    The Theoren Fleury news was unsettling. If you are a Leafs fan obviously there is something wrong with that team. I watched them play the Rangers last night. My exact words, "this team stinks". Oh well.


  7. Mike from Vita, MB10/13/2009

    Best- Rider win
    Worst- Denver win

  8. Anonymous10/13/2009

    Best-Watching Montreal lay the boots to Calgary
    The Rider win
    Cincy giving the game ball to the assistant coach whose wife died last week

    Worst--Dressler injury
    The Twins loss to the Yankees
    That I turned off the TV with five minutes to go in the BC-Edmonton game to pick up my wife at the airport and then see what I missed.


  9. Anonymous10/13/2009

    Best - Andre Johnson's refusal to stop short of the endzone. He's a rare breed for a reciever...he's a beast when he's got the ball inhis hands.

    Worst - Dre Bly's fucktardery. (Actually as a Falcons fan this qualifies as a 'best', but from the average sports fan's perspective, you have to shake your head at the stupidity of some NFL'ers.)

