
Thursday, October 8, 2009

Giving Up Points Will Hurt Come Playoff Time

I've already said I don't expect the Oilers to make the playoffs this year. A team that didn't make the second season last year didn't make a lot of changes in the off-season so I don't see them being a playoff competitor. That doesn't mean I don't cheer for them and it doesn't mean I'm a little choked at seeing them blow another one early this season.
After Nikolai Khabibulin gift-wrapped a win for Calgary by mishandling the puck in the final seconds Saturday night, Edmonton had another chance at their provincial counterpart and once again they let Calgary score in the final minute to tie it and then win it in the shootout. So that's two and maybe three points they have given away. In a Western Conference that I'm sure will be very tight at the bottom end come playoff time, you just can't give away points no matter when it is. Not happy!
The Medicine Hat College Rattlers weren't expected to beat the University of Regina Cougars in a mens basketball game Tuesday night, but it would have been nice to have given them a game. It was 29-2 Regina after one quarter and they went on from there for a convincing?? 102-37 win. Two points in one quarter. Two points? At one point late in the 2nd quarter, Medicine Hat had more fouls than they had points. I made a comment it was like watching the U-S play Guam in Olympic basketball. Now had this been the University of Brandon that the Cougar men did this to, I would be absolutely giddy. One knows I am no fan of the Bobcats mens basketball program and the fact that 95 percent of their players specialize in what I'm sure is Flintstone Trivia 101 with many members of their squad from a place that is not beautiful downtown Brandon.
Matt Holliday, you get the goat horns. All the Cardinals outfielder had to was squeeze a simply fly ball with two outs in the 9th and St. Louis was going home with a split of their National League Divisional series. However, Holliday let the ball get away with him leading to what was the game-tying and game-winning run by the Dodgers giving them a 2-0 lead. The Cardinals obviously reading from the Cubs handbook as to how to botch a playoff game.
Bad news for the Riders regarding Jamie Boreham. Head coach Ken Miller says Boreham has a neck problem and its one that could conceivably mean a career. Miller says its an injury where Boreham may have to give up his aggressive approach somewhat. That isn't Boreham's style. Here's hoping he gets better and can play the game the way he wants to. He makes punts exciting.
Speaking of punters, Rob Vanstone has a nice story on Jon Ryan in today's L-P.
Jon is kicking the laces of the ball. Good job since the offence can't do squat with Nealon Greene---uh I mean Seneca Wallace in there. Please come back Matt Hasselbeck and please stay healthy!
So Canucks forward Darcy Hordichuk got fined for a head hit on a member of the Columbus Blue Jackets earlier this week. Hordichuk is a guy with a checkered past so the NHL decided to punish him. Flames captain and NHL star Jarome Iginla hit Sheldon Souray into the boards from behind in the Oilers-Flames game. He was given a two minute penalty, but will the NHL have the cajones to fine him the way they did Hordichuk. It was a head shot and it did result in Souray getting a concussion. He should!
Dany Heatley gets a hat-trick in his first home game as a San Jose Shark. Good for him. I could care less. I guess he's happy and isn't that the only thing that matters. It is in his world.
Snow before Thanksgiving! SIGGGHHHHH!! If you're travelling this weekend, it doesn't sound like the weather will be that great so keep it between the lines.


  1. MIke from Vita, MB10/09/2009

    Brutal call by the ump in the 6th inning of the Red Sox-Angels game. If that isn't a good reason for a replay challenge, I don't know what is.

  2. Anonymous10/09/2009

    Iggy sjould be suspended for at least a game for that hit. If a fine does not come, it will show the hypocrisy of the NHL is alive and well.


  3. Anonymous10/09/2009

    That was not an intentional hit from behind - clearly a forecheck and Iginla and Souray got tangled up. What about the Oiler hit in the first period when Pardy (? maybe) was clearly hit from behind on a forecheck.
    And if Iginla was dirty would he have let Moreau leave with his dignity? The Oiler goon (St. Someone I think) was headhunting all night and Quinn stands up and call Iginla dirty, This from a guy who coached Tucker - give me a break!
    Kevin K

  4. Anonymous10/09/2009

    Kevin, are you actually going to try and justify that hit. Iggy trips him and then pushes him into the boards face-first. No respect whatsoever. Yes, that is worthy of a fine. I don't know about a suspension, but his wallet should be as light as what Hordichuk's is. You can't have that in hockey. As for Moreau, I agree that you don't need to jump in, but that is what the game has come to. Just admit that Iginla pulled off a cheap shot and let it be.


  5. Anonymous10/09/2009

    Not a cheap shot sorry -

    Kevin K
