
Thursday, November 19, 2009


Its getting tight going into Week 11 of the season. The standings are as such

Rob Vanstone 99-45
Mr. X 98-46
Derek Meyers 96-48
Lee Jones, Keith Colhoun, Moi 95-49

This week's games are

Miami @ Carolina
Indy @ Baltimore
Washington @ Dallas
Cleveland @ Detroit
San Fran @ Green Bay
Buffalo @ Jacksonville
Pittsburgh @ Kansas City
Seattle @ Minnesota
Atlanta @ Giants
New Orleans @ Tampa Bay
Arizona @ St. Louis
San Diego @ Denver
Jets @ New England
Cincinnati @ Oakland
Philly @ Chicago
Tennessee @ Houston

The picks

Vanstone: Carolina, Indy, Dallas, Detroit, GB, Jax, Pitts, Minnesota, Giants, NO, Ariz, Den, NE, Cin, Phil, Hous

Mr X: Carolina, Indy, Dallas, Detroit, GB, Jax, Pitts, Minnesota, Giants, NO, STL, SD, NE, Cin, Phil, Hous

Meyers: Miami, Indy, Dallas, Detroit, GB, Jax, Pitts, Minnesota, Atlanta, NO, Ariz, SD, NE, Cin, Phil, Hous

Colhoun: Miami, Indy, Dallas, Detroit, GB, Jax, Pitts, Minnesota, Atlanta, NO, Ariz, SD, NE, Cin, Chicago, Tennessee

Jones: Carolina, Baltimore, Dallas, Detroit, GB, Jax, Pitts, Min, NYG, NO, Ariz, SD, NE, Cin, Chicago, Hous

Blair: Carolina, Indy, Dallas. Detroit, GB, Jax, Pitts, Minnesota, Giants, NO, Ariz, SD. NE, Cin, Phil, Hous

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