
Sunday, December 20, 2009

Boo To The Swedes

The Brandt Centre was full and those in attendance got what they wanted Sunday night. Canada(in their green jerseys that made them look like the U of S Huskies) beat Sweden 6-2 in a rematch of the last two gold medal finals at the World Juniors. While impressed with the play of the Canadians, I was very disappointed at the Swedes. I found them to be disinterested, chippy and at the end of the game, very poor sports.
The Swedes skated off the ice at the end of the game without doing the traditional post-game handshake and then insulted everyone again by refusing to line up at the blue line for the post-game ceremony. WTF Sweden? I'm guessing this performance won't go over well with the Brandt Centre faithful that will watch the Swedes do their thing in the round-robin.
As mentioned the building was packed with luminaries throughout. This game even brought out the great Will Chabun from the Leader-Post---its the first time I've seen Will in a long time. He truly is one of the good ones. Others seen in no particular order---James Gallo, Les Lazaruk, Brent Parker(loved the button), Cliff Mapes (sexiest man in the building), Dan Plaster, the lovely Brittany Thies, Rich Sutter, Curtis Hunt, a guy that looked like one of the Jonas Brothers(I only know this because my 15 year old daughter watches MuchMusic!)Kelly Remple(chose this instead of the Vikings game--I'm impressed), frequent readers of this blog Matt and Chris G. Truly a red carpet evening.
Enough of the Pepsi guys with the cheer!!! Are you with me or against me on that one! I thought the ones at the Grey Cup the last couple of years were annoying, but these guys take the cake. Whenever I saw the girls, I had this inkling to give them my keys and make sure they check the oil!
The game itself was a great one. Jake Allen answered the Who's Jake Allen question in net. The defensive core was outstanding, Ryan Ellis showed why he might be the best junior blueliner in this country and many of the forwards were flying. It was also great to see Jordan Eberle get one on home ice. Next up is Finland in Calgary before a game against the Czechs at the Brandt Centre on Wednesday at a what I'm guessing will be a sold out Brandt Centre.
When there is a Rider game going on, I don't see anyone wearing Leafs, Habs, Oilers or Stamps jerseys. Thus when there is a hockey game going on, don't wear a Riders jersey. A couple of weeks ago at the Olympic curling trials there were two guys wearing Oilers jerseys sitting behind one of the hacks--they looked out of place. So to those wearing a Rider jersey at the WJC. I'm just sayin!!!!
Steelers 37 Packers 36----it might have been the best game in the NFL this year.
Buccaneers 21 Seahawks 7-ARE YOU F**IN KIDDING ME!!! BEATEN BY A ONE WIN TEAM IN YOUR OWN PARK. THIS IS HIGHLY UNACCEPTABLE! The towel has been tossed in by yours truly. What a colossal embarassment!
The Raiders beat Denver??? The Panthers beat the Vikings????
Who is Jerome Harrison and what is he doing running for 286 yards rushing?
One last thing. Considering the colour jerseys they wore last night, would it not have been ironic had Team Canada been called for too many men on the ice!!!! For those who think that is too soon or I touched a raw nerve, I do apologize. However, it had to be said!!!


  1. Anonymous12/21/2009

    I was highly unimpressed with the Swedes last night. Their post-game act reeked of unsportsmanlike play. Do they think this is 72 and they are the Russians? Did Gord Miller go "They're going home" on the broadcast!

    I said the same thing to my wife about the people wearing the Rider jerseys. I never see anyone wearing a hockey jersey at a Rider game so I would expect no one to wear a football jersey at a hockey game!


    PS: I saw you last night. Why wasn't I one of your luminaries on the list. HA HA!

  2. Anonymous12/21/2009

    The Pepsi people and their insistence on getting us to do that stupid chant was horrible. I wanted to punch that one guy. BRUTAL!

  3. Anonymous12/21/2009

    The Seahawks best days are behind them Mitch. Get used to it. First they don't want Holmgren back and then they shit the bed to the Bucs. What a sad state of affairs. Then again Mora didn't beat up his ex-girlfriend---at least I don't think he did.


  4. Anonymous12/21/2009

    I gambled and started your stupid Seahawks D/ST on my Fantasy Football team instead of my usual D. Pretty sure that move costed me a trip to the final. That and the fact DeAngelo got injured in the 1st quarter last night

    Little Johnny

  5. Anonymous12/21/2009

    Mitch I hope thats the last of those green sweaters. And yes the Swedes showed no class. I have a feeling they won't make it to the Gold round.

  6. Anonymous12/21/2009

    Who is Jerome Harrison? He is a back I could have had on waivers a couple of weeks ago, but I passed on him. It is this reason why Jerome Harrison is doing what he is doing and my fantasy football season is over.


    PS: The Pepsi guys must go and I too was very disappointed with the performance of the Swedes. I can't believe the LP doesn't have that story today.

  7. Anonymous12/21/2009

    I liked the green jerseys and all the Pepsi guys are trying to do is get some life in the building. Bah Humbug to all of you naysayers including you Mr. Blair

  8. Anonymous12/21/2009

    Rider jerseys good to wear at anytime if you want to get on tv.

    Just because you can't fit into a jersey,dont hate that rest. Fat guy!

  9. If getting on TV is your sole focus in life than go at it anonymous. Go at it big boy...go at it!

    PS: I have no problems fitting into my jersey(s).

  10. Anonymous12/21/2009

    So all you clowns out there that like the green jersey are going to love the world juniors in Alberta when the team wears Eskimo green or Stampeder logos all over there uniforms. At least those teams have a history not like the third rate extra man on the field team they have here. Now I know how they won all those games this year.

  11. Anonymous12/21/2009

    Wearing a Rider jersey to a Team Canada hockey game demonstrates:

    1) You need to diversify your wardrobe
    2) You have no life apart from the Saskatchewan Roughriders
    3) Looking like a slack-jawed yokel is the only way you'd ever get on television

    I'm just sayin'...

  12. Anonymous12/21/2009

    Under no circumstances should the words Cliff Mapes and sexy be brought up in the same sentence. Are we clear on this Mitch? What is the matter with you!
