
Sunday, December 27, 2009

Thumbs Down To Indy

Former New York Jets coach Herman Edwards is famous for saying "You play to win the game!". That is a phrase that most professional sports teams use everytime they hit their playing surface of choice. It was not a phrase used by the Indianapolis Colts on Sunday.
If I were the Pittsburgh Steelers, Houston Texans or Baltimore Ravens, I would be some kind of pissed at the Colts as they mailed one in against the Jets in the 2nd half costing them the perfect season.
Coach Jim Caldwell decided to yank Peyton Manning and most of his starters in the 3rd quarter with his team trailing the New York Jets. The Jets ended up winning the game to enhance their playoff chances. It starts that old debate about resting players when you know you are playoff bound. Yes, I understand you don't want to get your key players hurt. We all know the Colts are dead in the water if Manning gets hurt. However, wouldn't that mean you just don't play him at all. All it takes is one play to suffer a serious injury and it could happen at any time. If Caldwell was going to take this approach, he should not have played Manning or Wayne or Freeney or Addai period. To do this and sacrifice a perfect season is also a head-scratcher. I wouldn't have done it, but I'm not an NFL coach and I didn't sleep at a Holiday Inn express so I can't pretend to be one. All I can say is I think Caldwell and the Colts made a big mistake today. One that will cost them when they taste defeat as one before this year's Super Bowl.
What the hell is with the Giants? How can you soil the linen that bad at home in a huge game! That was a level beyond sad! However it didn't compare to yet another stellar performance by the Seahawks. Good god! Can they just phone the league office and forfeit next week's season finale against the Titans. Embarassing is what that was in Green Bay...there are no other words to describe it. They are a bad football team and the light at the end of the tunnel is a long ways away methinks.
How can the Saints beat New England at home yet lose to Tampa at home? Forget what I said about New Orleans being a contender. You lose to the Bucs and you don't deserve playoff success. Is it too early to pronounce an Eagles-Chargers Super Bowl?!
To the World Juniors and one has to love the spirit of the Austrian team. They aren't the most talented team out there, but they are making it tough on their opponents. They deserved a better fate in the tournament opener when they lost 6-2 to Russia and they deserved a much better fate Sunday against Sweden. The Swedes led the game 3-0 at one point, but Austria fought back to tie it only to give up a late goal in the waning moments of the 2nd. Sweden tried to add some insurance early in the 3rd, but they could not do it and after withstanding a couple of Austrian chances, they scored three late goals for a 7-3 win. Again this is a score that flattered the winners . Sweden knew it wasn't a four goal hockey game. The Austrians knew it wasn't a four goal hockey game. It was a damn entertaining contest and it was one that had many cheering for the Austrians. They have been to two previous World Juniors and all they have to show for it is one tie. Finland and the Czechs best be ready for their matchup against the Austrians. If they aren't, Austria just might get their first win ever in this tournament.
The Swedes might possess the best skater in this tournament in defenceman Oliver Ekman-Larsson. The Phoenix pick (6th overall in the 2009 draft) can do it all. He may have the best lateral foot speed I have ever seen. He dominates when he is on the ice. Its hard to think he could have Victor Hedman and Erik Karlsson on defence with him. Ekman-Larsson might actually be a little better than Hedman right now. He's better than Karlsson. He is a player! If you haven't seen him, make sure you do before the tournament is over.
The Pats lose again! SIGHHHHHHH! By the time Eberle and Teubert return from Team Canada, it may be too late. Does Brett Leffler still play for them. I haven't seen much from him lately. This team needs guys like him to step up just a little!
Why do I think the Jays will lose 100 games this season?
If you have today off, enjoy it. If you don't, try to enjoy it. Later!


  1. Anonymous12/28/2009

    The Colts deserve to get knocked off in the playoffs after that move. What a joke! Peyton could be hurt on the first play of the game just as much as midway through the 3rd quarter. That was sad!
    Speaking of sad, your Seahawks are about three or four levels beyond sad! OUCH!
    Did you see that Finnish defenceman's imitation of Bobby Orr last night? Two highlight reel goals from that young man.


  2. Anonymous12/29/2009

    I'm disappointed in the Colts coaching/management today.

    I know they will say its all about the SuperBowl, but when you have a chance to be legendary you have to go for it.
