
Monday, January 18, 2010

Cheap Shot From Cormier

Patrice Cormier was Canada's captain at the World Juniors. Patrice Cormier is someone who should be suspended for the rest of the year after a dirty cheapshot during a game last night between his Rouyn-Noranda team and the Quebec Remparts. Here is video of the incident. Fast forward to about the 58 second mark when you will see Cormier come off the bench and commit his crime. What happens after is a little disturbing as well.

Earlier this year, you remember a player from Erie was suspended for the rest of the season after a hit on a Kitchener player--a hit I thought was alright and wouldn't have been bad if the Kitchener player hadn't turned away from the hit--that resulted in the young man suffering a fractured skull. Watch it and tell me what you're thinking!


  1. Anonymous1/18/2010

    I agree Mitch....throw his stupid ass out for the rest of the season. That was a premeditated cheap shot. One of those incidents that would land him in jail if he did it off the ice.


  2. Anonymous1/18/2010

    suspend him for the rest of the year. That is uncalled for. The Erie guy turned into the boards. This is open iced and unnecessary. That to me should be a year suspension, as well as Mr. Cormier should have to go to different schools and talk about the effects of concussions.

  3. Anonymous1/18/2010

    Cormier cheapshotted a couple of people at the WJ's. He should be done for a long time. If hockey truly wants this out of their game, he will be!

    Chris G

  4. Anonymous1/18/2010

    That was as brutal as it gets. Should be charged for assault and an indefinite suspension. Totally out of hand and uncalled for.

  5. Anonymous1/18/2010

    "Happened on the ice" aside someone is going to have to really explain to me how that is not an outright aggravated physical assault. The whole thing was premeditated. He came off that bench with the sole purpose to injure that kid. It was completely disgusting, and he should be kicked clear out of the league.

  6. There was a player in the OHL a while back who was handed a lifetime suspension. Granted, it was his last year of junior anyway, but it definitely sent a message - or at least I thought it did.

    This warrants the same treatment.

  7. Anonymous1/18/2010

    Great post Mitch, hope it sends Cormier to the showers for the remainder of the year!!!


  8. Anonymous1/19/2010

    Mitch would you care to weigh in on the Derkatch vs Eberle debate that is taking place on "THE ALFLIGHTY ONE'S" blog. I posted a second second time with stats and facts but I guess it just made Ruffled Rodney look like a fool, so they did not post it.


  9. Anonymous1/19/2010

    There are polls out there in which some suggest Cormier should just be suspended for 5-10 games and move on. These people are idiots. There is no argument here. Cormier should be done for this season and the NHL should step in and give him more time as well. Legally, I don't think they can, but it would send a message.

