
Tuesday, January 5, 2010

It Couldn't Last Forever

I don't know if I felt worse after the final of the World Juniors or after the Grey Cup. Once again, I'm left staring at my television wondering what could have been as the U-S ends Canada's gold rush at the World Juniors with a thrilling 6-5 overtime win in a game that equalled and maybe surpassed what the two teams gave us on New Years Eve.

So many thoughts from this one---here you go
1)Did I hear those at CUC chanting "Go Canada Go". Where was the dumb corporate chant? A-O Canada---NO!!!!!!!!!
2)Jake Allen picked a bad time to soil the linen----and yes, yes he did. Those sheets are stained big-time.
3)I like John Carlson--Seahawks tight end. John Carlson--American defenceman, not so much
4)There are no more words to describe how good of a hockey player Jordan Eberle is. I can't wait to see him in Edmonton next year wearing Oiler colours.
5)If Regina hockey fans don't sell out the Brandt Centre on Friday night to welcome the best hockey player this city and team has given us in years than shame on you. Say what you will about Brent Parker, but another player of Eberle's character will not be here anytime soon. You don't owe it to Parker, but you DO owe it to Eberle!
6)Do Regina hockey fans really call Eberle "The Messiah" or did James Duthie make that up? Speaking of James, he didn't have Maggie with him in Saskatoon did he? (No Pierre jokes here!)
7)Do not blame Colton Teubert for that winning American goal. He played it perfectly!
8)I can go to bed tonight knowing Patrick Dempsey's hair isn't sticky and he can now shave every day. (I must give credit to Swift Current morning man Ryan Switzer for this one--great Facebook update!)
9)Finally a Tim Hortons ad I like. The one voiced by Sidney Crosby was great!
10) Has US coach Dean Blais ever won a David Letterman look-alike contest?
11)I can't wait for next year in Buffalo!
12)Look at 5 again--especially if you are reading this in Regina or will be in Regina Friday night!

It ends what was a great couple of weeks in this province. We were treated to hockey we won't see in these parts for a long time. I never, ever thought this tournament would come back to Saskatchewan and while I think there were still some major problems with the way this whole thing went, the bottom line is it was a successful tournament---one that will leave a lasting legacy. Congrats to all involved!
The Eric Tillman court case is done, but the story is a long ways away from being finished. The question now is will Eric stay or will Eric go? That is up to Jim Hopson and the Rider board of directors. There are very compelling arguments on both sides. I don't envy being Jim or the board at this time, but I am confident they will make the right decision. They will do what in the long run is what they feel is best for this football team. Whatever decision is made will be criticized by some and praised by others. As I have stated many, many times, Jim Hopson gets a tremendous amount of credit from yours truly for turning everything around and making this franchise the envy of others in this league. I will stand by whatever decision the board makes, because it will be the right one.
The fanaticism of some in the "Rider Nation" with this story has once again gone over the top. I have heard many say the football team can't give Tillman his walking papers because of what he has done with the football team. This is not an issue surrounding the football team! This is an issue much bigger than the Saskatchewan Roughriders. Those whose only concern is what happens to the football team needs to step back just a little----no, they need to step back a lot.
I've always given credit when credit is due so with that I will praise my former co-workers at CJME who proved once again over the past two days why they are so good at what they do. I was in several places on Monday morning and every one of those places had John Gormley on because everyone knew where to go to get the info they wanted. John and his excellent producer-Tammy Robert--were on the ball for the last two days while Murray Wood made sure his team got all the right information out there. My favourite redhead Sarah Mills was right in there asking all the questions that needed to be answered, and the man I call Kevin Newman Junior aka Patrick Book was also right in there getting his nose dirty and getting all the information that was needed. Good job guys! Good job to Rod Pedersen as well. He was the first to get the information out there as it was on his blog before it was anywhere else. The man must have lightning fingers to text that quickly.
Randy Johnson is calling it quits after 22 years. Do you know what team Johnson started his major league career with? If you're an Expos fan, you know full well that the gigantic lefty made his major league debut with Montreal way back in 1988 before being traded to Seattle in the deal that brought Mark Langston to the Expos. It was in Seattle where "The Big Unit" became a star. Its a shame that the teams that he, Ken Griffey Junior and Alex Rodriguez led never won a World Series. What surprised me when I learned of his retirement is that he's 46. Really! He is a surefire bet to end up in Cooperstown.
The Washington Redskins have just gotten better. They have hired Mike Shanahan to be their new head coach. If Shanahan can't get that unit turned around, they might as well pack it in in DC. There is no doubt the NFC East is now the best division in the NFL.
A belated congratulations to Jon Ryan. The Regina born punter of the Seahawks(the only good thing about that team this year) has signed a six year contract extension that will pay him just over nine million. Congrats Jon! You deserve it. Now that you're making a million and a half, you can get me tickets on the 50 yard line for a game can't you? Never mind, I'll be buying them, but you are going to take me through the Seahawks complex when I get down there for a game.
As I leave you, I leave you with this....
If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is "God is crying." And if he asks why God is crying, another cute thing to tell him is "Probably because of something you did." ITS A JOKE!!!!! We need some levity after what we saw on the Credit Union Centre ice!


  1. Anonymous1/05/2010

    I'm already over the Canada loss tonight...doesn't compare to the Grey Cup loss...nothing will.

  2. Anonymous1/05/2010

    I wholeheartedly agree with you on point number 5. Lets see if Regina hockey fans can show how us if they are intelligent or ignorant! I'll be there. Hope you are too!


  3. Anonymous1/05/2010

    The US coach does look like Letterman!!! Nice one!

  4. Anonymous1/06/2010

    There is only one choice for Jim and the BOD to make and that is to remove Tillman. That is a hard thing to do, but he embarassed the organization by violating the code of conduct. I don't see how you can bring him back even though many believe if his accuser is willing to forgive than the club should too.
    If he stays, the credibility of the organization is thrown under the microscope and Jim has worked too hard to let that credibility disappear.


  5. Anonymous1/06/2010

    May the Pepsi chant never be heard of again. Like Poochie in the Simpsons. DUMB, DUMB, DUMB!


  6. Anonymous1/06/2010

    Just one quick correction to your post. Not only come out and see Eberle do his thing and congratulate him, but congratulate Teubert and Travis Hamonic as well. On Saturday, Med Hat visits and I'm guessing Willie will be behind the bench for that one. He deserves some respect as well.

  7. Anonymous1/06/2010

    Mike Shanahan will never succeed in Washington because he doesn't have a John Elway to make him look good. Look at the success or lack of it he had in Denver without Elway. Even your buddy Vanstone would have to agree on this one.

  8. Anonymous1/06/2010

    "This is an issue much bigger than the Saskatchewan Roughriders."

    As far as the SK BOD is concerned, this issue is only about what's best for the SK Roughriders. Their job is to do what's best for the team as the courts have now dealt with the "bigger issue" that you refer too. The family wants him to keep his job, the courts want him to be employable, if the Riders feel it was due to the medication, than they should keep him!

  9. Anonymous1/06/2010

    I am a huge supporter of the Riders, but I will give up my season tickets as a sign of disgust if the BOD retains Tillman. It will send the wrong message!

  10. Anonymous1/07/2010


    I watched the americans play all their games as I was part of the NHL Network crew.
    They were, by far, the best TEAM in that tournament. They deserved to win. They didn't have the best players but they had the best team. Their transition game was awesome. In their dressing room they had on the wall posted "Speed Kills". It did. No one in that tournament could match the USA's speed. I actually clapped when Carlson scored. and how he wasn't the player of the game with 2 goals and STELLAR defensive play, is beyond me ?
    I was never sold on Allen as the starter. Other than Eberle, no one stepped up in the big game. No one. Taylor Hall is a good player but he doesn't like to play defence.

    I am sorry to say, the right TEAM won that tournament.

    Rusty from Saskatoon
