
Saturday, January 16, 2010

Letting One Get Away

Its hard to say where the Regina Pats will finish this WHL season, but if they don't make the playoffs, they could very well look back on what happened Saturday night at the Brandt Centre as to the reason why.
The Swift Current Broncos were in town playing their 4th game in 5 nights. It was a game Regina should not have lost. They came out in the first period and they blew the doors off the Broncos as Jordan Eberle recorded a pair with Tomas Hricina getting another one giving Regina a 3-0 lead after one. It should have been game over. The Broncos should have just shut it down right.........WRONG!
The Pats let the Broncos off the canvas and after going into the dressing room 3 up after one, they went in tied at 3 after two. It stayed tied at 3 after overtime with the Broncos winning the shootout to grab the two points with a 4-3 win.
Even though Regina gets a point, they are now six behind the 9th place Broncos. It makes taking both ends of a home and home next weekend almost a must. It will be interesting to see how this team rebounds. The "Deacon of Degeneracy" Kelly Remple told me after we called the game on Access 7 that it won't be good for the guys to sit around all week and think about what happened. I think its a good thing because they can seethe about it all week and then take it out on their foes Friday night. I say playing another game tomorrow might wouldn't be a good thing because they would be thinking about what happened. What do you think?
Actually I'm wondering how Kelly could be thinking about anything else than what will happen on the Metrodome carpet tomorrow when the Vikings---the team that he passionately cheers for--goes up against the Cowboys. Several of us want Kelly to come out tomorrow to watch the game but he declines saying "I don't want to be out watching it because I don't know what I'll be like." That's why we want to watch with you! As long as no one goes to jail at night's end, all will be fine. Besides Kelly, you know Lee Jones is going to text you every two minutes. Then again, Lee will be texting Cowboys fan Derek Meyers all afternoon too, so I guess he wins. By the end of the day, CTV Regina might need a new sports guy!
Definition of a self-centred bitch: I go to take my car to the neighbourhood car wash this morning. A woman driving a white SUV cuts a guy off to get into the line. She then gets out of her beast and walks into the station. She decided I might as well get a coffee because the world revolves around me as she comes out a few minutes later drinking her coffee and yakking on her cellphone. Meanwhile, none of us can move because we have to wait for her--and she could have been ready to enter the wash by this time. She gets back in her beast and decides the conversation she is having is much more important than driving forward. The guy in front of me has enough and honks his horn twice. That second honk results in her rolling down her window and delivering the guy the finger. Who's kidding who...if those behind this bitch could have picked up her vehicle and deposited it with her in it on its side, it would have left many smiling. I was almost hoping someone would be at the exit of the car wash with a great big bucket of muddy water to throw on her car. I'm guessing that thought was tame compared to the guy she gave the finger to.
I didn't see much of the NFL playoff games, but I don't think I missed much. By the way, it is days like today that I love my satellite radio because if I can't watch the games, I can listen to them. Thats what I did driving to and fro from the Brandt Centre. After Arizona scored on the first play of the game making me wonder if the Cardinals had taken a page from the Ravens playbook last week, the Saints just stomped on the defending NFC champs. Final score 45-14. They definitely sent a message to the winner of the Dallas-Minny game. I'm guessing New Orleans would love nothing more than to get another shot at the Cowboys who ended their run at perfection.
The Colts put the 'rest your starters' argument to bed with a 20-3 win over Baltimore. The Ravens shot themselves in the foot though with a couple of big turnovers in Indy territory. The Colts will host the winner of the Jets-Chargers game. I'm thinking Indy would like another shot at the Jets team that ended their run at perfection----this time the Colts won't be removing their starters in the 3rd quarter.
If you haven't tried it yet, go to Smokin Okies and get the pulled pork or the brisket. Good eats!
Why was Wayne Middaugh curling with Randy Ferbey's rink today while wearing David Nedohin's jacket?
I had a few people tell me the Penguins-Canucks game tonight was a Stanley Cup preview. Really? Some of those people were Canucks fan so their view is a little slanted, but I don't think either team makes it to the final this year. If it was a preview, it was all Vancouver on this night as they took a one sided win over a Pittsburgh team finishing off a Western Canada road trip. (Did Sid get a wedding proposal in Vancouver and if so, did the bride look as good as she did in Calgary the other night. WOW!!!)By the way for what its worth, I say we get a Chicago-Washington final this year. Toews, Kane and Campbell against Ovie, Semin and Green for all the marbles.
Graham DeLaet continues to be near the top of the leaderboard at the Sony Open in Hawaii. Check out this putt on 12....

He shot a two under 68 today leaving him at 6 under 204 after 54 holes. Ryan Palmer leads at 11 under. He'll play in the 7th to last group today. Here's hoping for at least a top 10 finish. DeLaet will also play in next week's Bob Hope Invitational as he tries to make an early impression on the Tour.
As you start your Sunday, ask yourself this....

How do you tell when you run out of invisible ink?


  1. Anonymous1/17/2010

    Pats get help from the Warriors tonight who beat PA. Pats are 7 points out of the Raiders for 8th spot.
    Middaugh replaced Nedohin for the Skins game because Nedohin suffered a back injury and is out the rest of the curling season.

  2. Anonymous1/17/2010

    Smokin Okies has the best chow in this city. There is no comparison.
