
Thursday, January 21, 2010

Rider News Conference

What is expected to be the Brendan Taman as GM announcement will happen at 2 this afternoon. CKRM will have live coverage of the press conference.


  1. Anonymous1/21/2010

    Forgive my lack of enthusiasm on this.

  2. Anonymous1/21/2010

    Why the hate for Taman? This guy was the GM when the Bombers got to the Cup in 07 and was smart enough to get out of dodge when he saw what Mike Kelly was all about. He likely learned a lot from Tillman over the past year too. This is a good hire for the Riders. The fact he is local helps too.

  3. Anonymous1/21/2010

    Not overly enthused about this move. After all look what happened in Winnipeg under Taman's reign.
    Let's hope the moves he makes will not lead us down the wrong road. Time will tell.

