
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Thumbs Up To The Oil Kings

The Edmonton Oil Kings will do a WHL first today. They are playing the Kootenay Ice in a game that begins at 1130 AM. You read that right---1130 AM. In what is being called CN Hockey Hooky Day, the two teams will meet with thousands of kids in attendance on what is being called an "educational field trip". Thousands of kids will be on hand for the educational field trip of the year. Local businesses stepped up and purchased tickets through the CN Adopt-A-School program so thousands of kids from Edmonton and area will be at the game thanks to the generosity of Edmontonians and fans of major junior hockey.
There'll be an educational curriculum built into the game day presentation where students will be able to participate in activities at the rink where they learn about hockey and what life is like in the WHL.

I think this is a great idea and its one that should be done in other WHL locales. Regina hockey fans are criticized for sitting on their hands, but it wouldn't be that way if you had 3 or 4 thousand kids watching their hockey heroes as they battled one of their Eastern division foes.


Curtis Joseph has announced his retirement. What will his legacy be? Will he end up in the Hockey Hall of Fame. Oiler fans will always remember Joseph for authoring two major upsets in the 90's----one over Dallas, the other over Colorado. Joseph ends his 19 year career with the 4th most wins in NHL history for a goalie, but he never won a Stanley Cup. He was one of the best that I have seen.


Word is the NHL will side with referee Stephane Auger in the dispute with Canucks forward Alex Burrows(see earlier post). This really doesn't surprise me as I couldn't see the league supporting the position of a player over the position of an official. Burrows gets fined 2500 bucks for his comments while life goes on without penalty for Auger. I would advise Mr. Auger to keep his mouth shut when on the ice speaking with players unless the matter directly deals to the game.


I've heard excuses as to why a team loses a game before, but I've never heard this one. The New York Knicks claim they lost a game in Oklahoma City this week because their hotel was haunted. Yes, that's a new one as far as I'm concerned. Maybe this is just a way for the Knicks to try and meet Jennifer Love Hewitt(star of Ghost Whisperer).

Can you blame them?
As you start your Wednesday, here's something to think about....

Some people are like a Slinky ...Not really good for anything, but you still can't help but smile when you shove them down the stairs.


  1. Anonymous1/13/2010

    The NHL hearing went as follows

    1. The NHL asks Auger if he slighted Burrows
    2. Auger says no
    3. The NHL says good enough for us and sends Auger home while fining Burrows.

    What a joke! An investigation that lasts less than 24 hours on something as serious as this. Terrible!

  2. Cujo is not, now nor never will be, Hall of Fame material.

  3. Anonymous1/13/2010

    Gotta disagree with you Clarkenstein. Curtis Joseph is someone that I call the NHL's version of Dan Marino. He did it all, but get a ring. His numbers can't be ignored. Is he a first time ballot HOF'er. NO! Will he get there though. YES!


  4. Anonymous1/13/2010

    That is a cool idea by the Wheat Kings. Some corporation should get on the ball here (and in Saskatoon) and make that happen. It would be an outstanding day for the kids and they are our future fans.


  5. Anonymous1/13/2010

    "Some people are like a Slinky ...Not really good for anything, but you still can't help but smile when you shove them down the stairs."

    LOL I love it!


  6. Anonymous1/13/2010

    Burrows might be right here, but he was wrong by taking it to the media first. If he had said something to their coach about this and let him handle it, things might have turned out better. I would have to think now that Burrows will make it more miserable on the Canucks now as officials siding with Auger will look to give more penalties to Burrows and the Canucks.

