
Monday, January 25, 2010

Voice Of The Vikings Lets Favre Have It

Paul Allen was not happy with Brett Favre's last pass of the season.


  1. Anonymous1/25/2010

    Admittedly I'm not an avid NFL watcher, but over 20 years I caught my share of Farve games. I think they'll have to break down his career in two 10 year sections. The first 10 when he had to gun it out against Aikman and Young he was right up there as one of the all time greats. He couldn't do the stupid stuff he does now or else they probably would have replaced him. The second 10 years, and having that Super Bowl win has provided him with this unquestionable grace period. I mean I watched what he did yesterday. Anybody, and I mean anybody without the last name Farve would be cut on his way to the dressing room never to be seen again.


  2. Mike from Vita, MB1/25/2010

    I am a Vikings hater. Say what we want about Favre, BUT, are the Vikes in the Championship IF he isn't on the team? NO WAY! Until the Vikes can find a starting QB in the offseason, Favre is their best hope to get back to the playoffs. Tavaris and Rosenfels are NOT starting QB's.

  3. Anonymous1/25/2010

    Paul Allan never sugarcoats it.
