
Thursday, January 7, 2010

Will Texas Fans Act Like Bomber Fans?

From the moment that CFL commissioner Marc Cohon gave Gene Makowsky the Grey Cup in 2007, many fans of the Winnipeg Blue Bombers said it would have been their team Cohon was giving the trophy to had it not been for the injury to Kevin Glenn. If you remember, Glenn broke his arm in the Eastern final meaning unknown Ryan Dinwiddie got the start. Dinwiddie failed and so did the Bombers. The whining has continued to this day.
Last night in Pasadena, the Alabama Crimson Tide won the NC double A football championship with a 37-21 win over Texas. It was 24-21 until there were two minutes left when Alabama got a couple of late touchdowns to make the final look more lopsided than it was. The story of this game was that Texas quarterback Colt McKoy was lost to the Longhorns on the 2nd series of the game to a shoulder injury meaning freshman Garrett Gilbert had to carry the Longhorns on offence.
Would Texas have won with McKoy? I had taken them to win, but then again I might have taken a lot of schools to beat Alabama simply for the fact I don't like their coach Nick Saban. After leaving LSU for the Miami Dolphins, Saban found out life in the pros wasn't as successful as he thought it would be and he ran for the money when Alabama came calling despite the fact he always denied wanting the job when asked about it. The guy reeks of "smarmyness" if you ask me. Smarmy or not, he is the coach of the national champions so congratulations to him.
Does the Eric Tillman story end today or is it just another chapter in what has sadly turned into a very ugly story. The latest is that a source close to Eric(it wouldn't be Eric himself would it?) has told the Leader-Post he may resign as Riders GM because of family reasons. If this is the case, this doesn't surprise me and its something I thought would happen. Yes, he was guilty of sexually assaulting a teenager, and yes, his record will be clean in a years time. However, people don't forget. Not in this province. No matter where Eric goes, there will be people who will taunt him or talk behind his back. It will be very uncomfortable for not only Eric, but for his wife and his two small kids who one day will be old enough to understand what Daddy did. I will not be surprised if Tillman resurfaces in Toronto. This shouldn't surprise anyone. Its what many have been saying.
If Eric leaves, and it certainly looks like that is happening, the one thing I hope is this. I hope that if for some reason this football team slides somewhat that everyone doesn't hop on the "They should have kept Tillman" bandwagon that will be created. Yes, the Riders were one play away from winning two GC's in Eric's 3 years which is a feat that should be saluted, but teams move on, personnel moves on. Many thought this team was doomed when Kent Austin left, they weren't. This team will be fine under Ken Miller, Jim Hopson and whoever. Have faith!
The Pats are back on home ice tonight for the first time in a long time and its Jordan Eberle bobblehead night with 500 fans going home with one of the valued treasures. This is how it will work. When you walk into the Brandt Centre, you will be handed a card with a colour on it. In the first intermission, Eberle will pick a card out and if it matches the colour you have on your card then a bobblehead is yours. I have said it before, but I will say it again. After what Eberle did for Team Canada over the past two weeks, you owe it to this young man to be at the Brandt Centre tomorrow and congratulate him for what he has done. A player of Eberle's calibre is one that will not be back on Brandt Centre ice wearing a Pats jersey for a long time. You must go out and see this guy perform live while you can because next year you won't. There is no way the Oilers will send him back as a 20 year old so enjoy him over these last couple of months. On a side note, I can only wonder what type of season he would have as a 20 year old here. It could be a record-breaker. It won't happen though.
Thumbs up to Mayor Fiacco for proclaiming tomorrow as Jordan Eberle and Colten Teubert Day in Regina. Its nice to see both young men getting some props for being part of the silver medal squad that kept Canada on pins and needles Tuesday night. Its nice to see that Teubert isn't being forgotten. Everyone is talking about Eberle and I understand that because of his roots to Regina, but I thought Teubert was considered an afterthought last year when the team won gold because of Jordan's heroics in the semi-final game against Russia. He certainly wasn't as far as I was concerned. Lets not forget that Travis Hamonic will be here tomorrow too as part of the Warriors team that comes in. Hamonic won't play because of the separated shoulder he suffered against Switzerland, but he is also deserving of your applause tonight as well.
Why I did this on a day when it was 30 below I don't know, but I watched some of the PGA's opening tournament of the year from Hawaii on the Golf Channel. Funny how no one mentioned one certain golfer during the time I watched. Has a gag order been placed on the announcers when it comes to talking about one Mr. Woods?
These airport scanners are creating quite a lot of debate and I ask why? Here's the question people. If you want to fly, would you rather have someone take a quick look at your junk or risk being blown up. I know what my decision is.
I was wondering what the h-e double hockey sticks was going on with my female Facebook friends on Thursday. Their status report was just a colour. It was later when I found out it had something to do with what colour is their bra. Was it something for breast cancer awareness or not. That is something I don't know. All I ask is this--and yes, some status updates from men asked the same thing. A) Should we as men for prostate cancer announce what colour underwear we are wearing today and B) While these women are telling us what colour their bra is, should we as men not ask for pictures just for verification? (insert whistling noise here followed by a wry and mischievous smile) WHAT???
The Oilers lose again. Is the slogan for the 2nd half "Take a fall for Hall"?
It is going to warm up isn't it!


  1. Anonymous1/08/2010

    If anything Eberle will be in the AHL if he doesn't crack the Oilers opening day roster next year. They can send him there as a 20 year old, not a 19 or under draft pick. This is definitely Eberle's last season of Junior...perhaps his last game or two as a Pat...IMO, for the future of the organization, Parker needs to trade him. The Pats are 8 points behind Moose Jaw for 8th, but the Warriors have 4 games in hand. I don't see the Pats catching Moose Jaw even with Eberle and Teubert on board the remainder of the season. If they do somehow sneak into 7th or 8th, it will be a quick 4 game pumping from Brandon or Calgary. Do the right thing Brent.

  2. Anonymous1/08/2010

    If Eric resigns, I think that is the honorable thing to do and may quiet some of the chatter on both sides. I think it would have been impossible to have his family here and undergo the taunts that I'm sure they've gone through over the last year. Society can be cruel. Rod has on his blog that some guy from Sportsnet is interviewing him today. Its my bet he ends up back with them as their CFL guy and then gets back into football in 2011.


  3. Anonymous1/08/2010

    I love your what colour shorts are men wearing today as a rebound to what colour bra the women wore yesterday.


  4. Anonymous1/08/2010

    1. Bomber fans will always whine about not having Kevin Glenn. Whatever!
    2. As a fan of the Florida Gators, I hate anything connected with Alabama. (By the way, Tebow will be a successful NFL QB)
    3. Some Rider fans are too ignorant or shallow-minded to look at the overall picture. This team will be fine without Tillman. He has a razor-sharp football mind, but the time has come to turn the page and find someone else. He likely won't fill Eric's shoes, but no one thought Miller would fill Austin's shoes and he has.
    4. You don't need to convince me to be at the Dome tonight. I just hope I walk out of there with one of those bobbleheads.
    5. I said the same thing when I read some of the status reports of my female Facebook friends. Pictures ladies, pictures! If you;re going to tell, then show as well. HA HA HA!


  5. Anonymous1/08/2010

    It would seem as if the Tillman thing is fait accompli, but I would like to hear one thing. We have all heard that the girl and her family wishes for Tillman to keep his job. I believe this was said in court. Why hasn't your buddy Gormley or any of the other media in this town gotten the girl or her family on TV or radio to say this. In radio, you can hide the voice and on TV, you can hide the face. I would think this family that has been traumatized will be happy to see Tillman leave town and that their words were just that---words.
